P. 13
To become a member of the Kushihara Samurai Seriously! I can’t believe this. Traditionally, to be-
Clan, players must complete the following three come Kushihara one would have to be invited, be-
quests: cause of honor, or family name, or notoriety. Now,
QUEST 1: “Volunteers Wanted” they’re just taking... Volunteers.
QUEST 2: “Stop the Violence” KUSHIHARA SOLDIER 2
QUEST 3: “For the Glory” Yes. For now, but they don’t plan to keep the re-
cruits do they?”
quest 1: “Volunteers Wanted” KUSHIHARA SOLDIER 3
Requirements: N/A Right! They just need bodies. They’re all gonna die
NPC Characters of Contact anyway, so who cares?!
-Ryu Kushihara Keep your voices down, will you? No, if they sur-
vive they’re gonna be allowed to train with us.
It’s because of the war. There are so many groups
-Kushihara District fighting that we’re out numbered; severely. In order
-Kushihara Castle to get results, we’re going to need the help of others;
or we’ll all be as dead as any new soldier.
-Kanagawa Prefecture Shukuba
So, tomorrow they’re opening the doors of Kushihara
-Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama; 80° Castle, and any and all men that want to join the
Summary Kushihara may do so. I mean, they won’t have rank,
well not yet, but they will find favor with Diamyo
Several regions of Japan have been in turmoil Ghoda, and eventually, they can move from no rank,
lately, and the Emperor has employed the Kushihara to member of the Kushihara. Ugh, I don’t like it ei-
to intervene. Daimyo Ghoda however, feels as ther, but we must respect Daimyo Ghoda. Come
though his forces are spread too thin. Though it is now, it is time to get back to our post.
against tradition, Ghoda has asked Ryu Kushihara to
host an open invitation to join the Kushihara and as- PART 2 “The Ranks”
sist in the assigned mission. Location: Kushihara Castle
GM NOTE: PC(s) may wander into the region and When the PC(s) arrive at Kushihara Castle they
ask questions about the Kushihara. Direct them to will see that the doors are open, yet they are heavily
the designated inn that is the starting point for the guarded by ten soldiers, (Brown belt level or above)
quest. Also, the GM may start the quest in the inn. dressed in full Samurai Armor. Nine are equipped
PART 1 “This Guy Walks Into A Bar” with a Yari, one is equipped with a Naginata. The
guards are split five on each side of the door. Ap-
Location: Kushihara District proximately 90 yards in front of them is a table with
While in the Inn, the PC(s) are sitting next to a four older men sitting at it. The area is filled with
group of four Kushihara soldiers who are drinking conscripts being directed by members of the Kushi-
and discussing the Kushihara’s latest endeavors. The hara. The PC(s) approach the table and see Ryu
man doing the talking amongst the group is disgrun- Kushihara, Tsuo Tendo, Hiro Kushimoto, and Beni-
tled has mentioned a “rule change” several times. He satori Furikken.
seems to be against how new soldiers are to become GM NOTE: Each player will be interrogated one at
member of the Kushihara. The more his associates a time via the script below:
console him, the more agitated this soldier seems to
become. The escalated discussion about authentic RYU KUSHIHARA
membership, is fueled by alcohol and in so the sol- State your name. State your purpose. Are you will-
dier becomes more intoxicated and borderline con- ing to risk life and limb to aid in the goals of the
frontational. He curses after a last, large gulp of Kushihara?
sake, slamming his cup down.