P. 8

Mystic Art:                                            Uchitori= Enemy
         Master: “Hi Rensa Teikiatsu”- Is a high powered attack where a      The complicated relationship between the Uchitori and
         combination of known attacks (empty hand, or armed) are un-  Kushihara is as old and complex as the differences between the
         leashed at one target.                                 philosophies that created the ninja and samurai schools of
                                                                thought.  During the early formation of both groups several mis-
         Weapon Options:                                        sions involved the two fighting from opposing ends of a mis-
         ●  Two-handed Sword      ● One Handed Sword            sion.  The series of conflicts, assassinations, digressions, and
                                                                clashes have created a long standing rivalry where neither mem-
         ●  Staffs and Polearm       ●  Projectile              ber of the opposing group is safe when enemy paths cross.
         Relationships With Other Groups                        Rank and Responsibility
         Musuko No Sento No– Enemy     Sanzo- Neutral              The ranks of the Kushihara follow those of the Japanese
         Katsunoka– Neutral                Takashiro- Neutral   military.  All Kushihara soldiers serve in the Army military
         Kushihara- Neutral                 Tominogoshi– Ally   branch.  Along with graduated belt ranks, members of the samu-
         Nakatashi-Ally                   Uchitori– Enemy       rai clan receive their rank in the army.  The word “Rikugun” is
                                                                the distinction for Army and may appear before the rank of the
         Yakama– Neutral                                        soldier.
         Nakatashi= Ally                                        Beginner= Enlisted Soldiers
            The Nakatashi and Kushihara became allies through a rela-  This level incorporates the lowest members of the Japanese Mil-
         tionship formed over time through encounters between the head   itary hierarchy.  White belt characters are given the rank of
         elders of the group.  Daimyo Ghoda and Genrei Nakatashi be-  Nitohei, equivalent to the rank of Private.  Yellow belt ranks are
         came allies as the Nakatashi were becoming a prominent family.    also called Ittche; Private 1  Class.  Orange belt soldiers are
         Throughout various meetings called by the Shogun, Daimyo   Jototohei, and are recognized as Specialist Soldiers.  Green belt
         Ghoda noticed that Genrei Nakatashi conducted himself proper-  students are referred to as Gocho, Corporal.  At this rank char-
         ly in both business and social settings.  Independent interactions   acters may be given their first leadership role among the lower
         between the two allowed Daimyo Ghoda a look into the young   ranks.  Blue belt soldiers are given the military rank of Gunso,
         master’s heart to discover that he was a pleasant, protective and   which is equivalent to Sergeant.  Those that have excelled at this
         driven person who was eager to learn the ways of the Japanese   rank (Points of Renown: Fame ≥75,000) are honored with the
         hierarchy to benefit his family.  So Daimyo Ghoda mentored   rank of Socho, Sergeant Major; a higher version of this rank.
         Genrei Nakatashi to foster a respectful and beneficial relation-
         ship.                                                  Intermediate Level= Elite Soldiers
         Tominogoshi= Ally                                      These soldiers serve the Samurai in their platoons.  Purple belt
                                                                soldiers are assigned the rank of either Tokumu Socho or Jun-I,
            The relationship between the Tominogoshi and Kushihara   differentiated by the officer who gives them the rank.  These
         was born out of an intense rivalry.  The Tominogoshi champion,   soldiers are known as Associate Officers and may be given
         Goro, had never been defeated, and was hosting the     command of a small platoon in times of war.  Brown belt sol-
         “Tominogoshi Rondori Shouti” where a young contender, Ryu   diers are Rikugun-Shoi, 2  Lieutenant.  Red Belt soldiers are
         Kushihara, presented himself to be a formidable opponent de-  also known as Rikugun-Chui, 1  Lieutenant.  Rikugun-Tai-i, the
         feating all until he ascended to the championship match against   rank of Captain, is reserved for those who have achieved the 1
         Goro Tominogoshi.  In match that displayed the best techniques   Degree Black belt rank.  2  Degree Black belt soldiers are giv-
         of ground fighting, Goro Tominogoshi emerged victorious.  The   en the rank, Rikugun-Shosa, equal to that of Major.
         following year, Saturo Kushihara, entered the tournament only
         to meet the same fate in the final match.  For years Goro Tom-  Advanced Level= Samurai
         inogoshi dominated the grappling circuit, celebrating his domi-  The army of the Kushihara does not recognize a person as Sam-
         nance over all, thus creating a rivalry between the Kushihara   urai until they achieve the rank of 3  degree black belt.  Those
         and Tominogoshi.  In Goro Tominogoshi’s farewell tournament   that begin their advanced training with the Kushihara are ranked
         year, he met a young contender named Benisatori Furriken, who   up to Samurai, enjoy extra privileges along with superior social
         was three years younger, faster and proving himself in the grap-  status, and begin this path with the rank of Rikugun-Chusa,
         pling circuit.  However, due to age and experience, Goro Tom-  equivalent to Lieutenant Colonel.  The 4  Degree Black belt
         inogoshi emerged victorious in one of the greatest Rondori   Samurai is given the rank of Rikugun-Taisa, which equals Colo-
         matches of all times.  During the post-tournament celebration,   nel.  5  Degree Black belt Samurai are known as Rikugun-
         while wounds were fresh and egos still boiling, Goro Tom-  Shosho and recognized as a General.  6  Degree Black belt
         inogoshi took it upon himself to congratulate the Kushihara on   Samurai are given the rank of Rikugun-Chujo which is recog-
         their excellence in the art throughout the years, declaring them   nized as Lieutenant General.
         as his greatest and most worthy opponents.  This display of hu-
         mility changed the view the Kushihara had of the Tominogoshi   Expert Level= Elite Samurai
         champion.  Soon the groups began training together regularly   This level includes the highest ranks in the Kushihara Samurai
         forming a bond that permeated through the two factions.                                            th
                                                                Clan and recognizes these elite Samurai accordingly.  7  Degree
         Musuko No Sento No= Enemy                              Black belt Samurai are known as Rikugun-Taisho, and is equiv-
                                                                alent to the military rank: General.  8  Degree Black belt Samu-
            The Musuko No Sento No has always been disrespectful   rai are given the rank of Gensui-Rikugun-Taisho, a Field Mar-
         toward authority.  It seems to be instilled in each and every   shal General.  9  Degree Black belt Samurai are given the high-
         member of the martial arts academy.  A history of interactions   est rank in the Japanese army: Diagensui-Rikugun-Taisho.  This
         where the hierarchy was challenged and mocked has left the two   rank is recognized as a Grand Marshal of the Japanese Empire.
         groups at odds with each other.  For the Kushihara the Musuko   10  Degree Black belt Samurai are recognized with their former
         No Sento No group is a mere annoyance, where matters of the   rank however, because of their time served in the army of the
         empire seem to be always imputed upon by the minor house.      Emperor, may be considered for the rank of Daimyo or other
                                                                political positions, where the decision is made by the Shogun
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