P. 26
Random Encounters of the Uchitori District
This House Is Not A Home
Location: West; X29 9/10 of the Law
A seemingly exorbitant amount of gold is offered on Location: West; B18
a message board to get rid of a 'house spider'. It turns Walking through the district, the party suddenly gets
out that it's about a spider-like shapeshifter in the surrounded by Uchitori Ninja. A respected member
shape of a house. was murdered. Witnesses say they saw someone
Moonlighting looking similar to one of the party members. Upon
Location: East; Z2 looking through their things, said member appears to
have lost an item easily traced back to him (one half
The moon stopped traveling across the sky. Word of a pair of gloves/earrings/daggers, family insignia,
around the district is that a group of monks are at- one of a kind necklace etc.). Sure enough, said item
tempting to gain power from a new patron - the Kami was found at the scene of the crime. Someone is
of the Moon, Tsukuyomi Nomikoto.
framing them.
Toothless Nibblers
Location: West Z18
Location: West; K10
More than three people in the district Inn have all The party stumbles across a dead old man. Amongst
their teeth fall out at the same time. They then begin
attacking the patrons of the Inn causing hysteria. his meagre belongings is a scroll with extensive rec-
ords about everything they’ve done right up until to-
Kidnapped day, with even more detail than they themselves
Location: West; I1 knew.
A nearby civil war is raging, and one of the high Imbalance to the Natural Order
ranking officers of one side holes up in the district Location: East; V17
mine. If approached, they will act incredibly defen- The party finds various dead animals, torn and shred-
sive. A child’s cry can be heard coming from the ded, with missing pieces. As they approach the heart
cave, and this person refuses to answer any questions.
of the forest the number of dead creatures increases.
A Lucky Penny Upon investigation they find out yokai of the forest
Location: East; N5 have been corrupted and it's confused causing an im-
Someone has dropped a replica of the Shukumei-Ken balance to the natural order of the world.
on the side of the road. The party members pick it Of A Lifetime
up, and out of nowhere a man yells at them, and Location: West; M30
claims they robbed him of his special weapon. An invitation appears in the sacks of each party
Dismembered, Lost and Afraid member. A wealthy individual has opened a store and
Location: East; B24 invites all those with ambitions to visit and make
The party is at a faire where a magician is performing deals.
tricks with a severed head that can talk. Throughout The Poor Stay Poorer
the show the head blinks in weird patterns. The party Location: East; H24
talks to the head to find out he is kidnapped and begs A rumor reaches the party's ears of a group of ronin
for help in finding his body. hiding out in the woods. They have a code that is the
The Building That Was No More reverse of Robin Hood and his Merry Men: Steal
from the poor, and give to the rich. None of the local
Location: East; C25
nobles seem interested in the pillaged goods of their
The party comes across an Inn and they decide to subjects, and are constantly giving back the loot they
stay. They wake up on the ground where the building keep finding on their doorsteps.
was, and there is no sign of any building.