P. 22

persuasion, the PC(s) should engage the characters,    3. Name: Yagahira Muri (Male)
         to convince them to join the Uchitori Ninja Clan.      Location: R8; Farm

            Description, Trigger Topics and Attribute infor-    Description: Found sleeping in a hay stack.  A basic
         mation is not privy to the PC(s) and should be dis-    farm hand, not related to the owner.  Working to help
         covered through conversation. “Trigger Topics” Al-     his sick mother.  Doing only the bare minimum, and
         low for a modifier to the Persuasion Test.  PC(s) who   doesn’t want to work very hard.  Sneaks away from
         address Positive topics receive +1 to their PhB roll.    responsibilities often.
         Negative topics broached during conversation re-
         ceive –1 to the PhB roll.                              Trigger Topics:
                                                                   Positive– Finding peace with relaxation

                     List of Potential Recruits                    Negative– Grueling or hard work
         Uchitori District West                                 Attributes:
                                                                HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         1. Name: Ikiuki Okuumarro (Female)
                                                                 111    8    3     3     3     2     3    1    2
         Location: O2; Farm
                                                                4. Name: Akane Achigo (Female)
         Description: Found observing crops.  Very insightful
         and attentive.  Works in the farming industry to try to   Location: E16; Fishmonger
         provide the best crops to the community.  Thinks       Description: Found arguing with shop owner.  Ag-
         farming and growing crops to give to others is the     gressive and confrontational.  Hates fish and the in-
         work of the Gods.
                                                                dustry.  Only works at the shop because she was
         Trigger Topics:                                        forced to marry the shop owner.  Is a mother of two
                                                                and doesn’t like her life as it is.
            Positive– Paying attention to detail
                                                                Trigger Topics:
            Negative– Not caring for others
                                                                   Positive– A lifestyle with varying possibilities
         HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE               Negative– Doing what tradition asks
          112    6    4     3     4     1     4    1    1       Attributes:
                                                                HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE

         2. Name: Nana Abe (Female)                              113    1    2     4     2     1     2    3    4
         Location: F5; Tree
                                                                5. Name: Ito Donma (Male)
         Description: Found reading.  Is philosophical.         Location: Y25; Inn
         Thinking about being married, and running away due
         to her conflicting views between old tradition and her   Description: Found outside relaxing between shifts.
         personal desires for equality.                         Extremely friendly, and chatty.  Knows how to work
                                                                a crowd.  Has a lot of information about the district.
         Trigger Topics:                                        Enjoys working at the Inn.

            Positive– Intellectual conversation
                                                                Trigger Topics:
            Negative– Women’s traditional roles                    Positive– Positive comments about community.

         Attributes:                                               Negative– Negative comments about community.

         HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE            Attributes:
          116    7    3     4     1     2     2    4    4       HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
                                                                 120    2    1     4     1     4     2    3    2

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