P. 17

While the PC(s) answer his question, he cuts        everyday that we would all return home, but secretly
         them off.                                              I did not know how to make that possible.  When we
                                                                 were rescued, I taught them that we were saved be-
                          GANG MEMBER                              cause we are good people and favored.  Now, so
                                                                close to home, our faith is being tested again.  Please
          Funny, I lost some people who were travelling with    sir(s) do not make me a liar.  Please find my son, and
                  me who looked just… like… them!
                                                                                bring him back to us.
            The Gang Member grabs the woman by her hair
         pulling her head back to reveal her face.  She and the   PART 5     “Field of  Blood”
         children scream in horror as they have been discov-    Location: Shikoku Prefecture; Matsuyama
         ered.  The other three gang members step between          The group runs into the tall grass along the path
         the fugitives and the PC(s).                           that was blazed by the kidnappers.  The grass wisps
                          GANG MEMBER                           by as the group runs through the terrain.  Soon, there

         I’m sorry, but this lot is coming with us!  We need to   is a clearing and running through it is a man carrying
                  deliver them, to collect our reward!          a child, who is doing his best trying to escape.  The

         PART 4b.   “Dude, Where’s My Child”                    boy notices the group and calls to the, seeming to
                                                                fight even harder to escape.
         Location: Shikoku Prefecture; Matsuyama
                                                                   The man falls carrying the boy dropping him to
            The group has been walking for a while since        the ground.  The child hits his head upon landing and
         passing the other group of travelers.  Suddenly, the   writhes around in pain holding his skull.  The Kid-
         children let out a shrill.                             napper gets up and turns and faces the group.  He is

                             CHILDREN                           massive and muscular.
            EEEK!!!  Where is Tatsuo? Mommy.  Mommy.                             GANG MEMBER
                          Where is Tatsuo?!
                                                                 What do you think you’re doing?!  Are you going to
            The mother freezes and calls for her son repeated-   kill me to save him?  You can’t kill me, look at you.
         ly.  Frantically, she turns to the PC(s).               You’re weak.  After I dispose you all, I will go back
                                                                 and get the mother, and the two other children too.
                              MOTHER                                                Ha!  C’mon!
          Tatsuo is such a troubling and adventurous child.  I   GM NOTE: When the Gang Member’s Health Point
         try to discipline him, but nothing seems to stick since   drop to 50%, the other three men will come out of
         his father’s death.  He runs about aimlessly, and gets
         into the most challenging of predicaments.  I know he   their hiding places in the tall grass behind the PC(s)
         is troublesome and can add a certain amount of anxi-   and attack.
         ety, to what we are doing, but you must find Tatsuo!
                                                                   After defeating the Gang Members the PC(s) will
         GM NOTE: Roll 1D8 to see How many Awareness            take Tatsuo back to his mother who is elated to see
         Tests are performed before the group discovers Tat-    her son alive.  The crew get back on the road and
         suo’s toy which is on the side of the road.            walk the family home with no further trouble.
            Sitting at the side of the road is Tatuso’s Beigo-  PART 6    “Good Deeds Rewarded”
         ma.  The Tall grass at the side of the road indicates
         that someone has recently walked through their leav-   Location: Uchitori District
         ing an easy to follow path.                               That evening the group is walking back into the

            The mother bursts into tears upon seeing Tatsuo’s   Uchitori District.  The sun is setting on a very re-
         toy laying abandoned.  She picks it up and sobs.       warding day as they are returning to the Blacksmith
         Through her tears she addresses the PC(s).             shop to return the swords.  Inside, the group is met by
                                                                Shou Bishu who seems to have been waiting for their
          We were enslaved after watching them murder my
          husband.  Kept in cages and apart.  I promised them

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