P. 13

AFFILIATION QUESTS                                                        SHOU BISHU
                                                                 I have some work for you if you’re interested.  You
         To become a member of the Uchitori Ninja Clan,          look like the type that can get a job done.  Just out-
         players must complete the following three-four            side of the Northeastern section of our district, a
         quests:                                                 group of men has been seen abducting women and
                                                                 children.  I suspect they are selling them for various
         QUEST 1: “ Extending One’s Self”                        reasons.   I need you to leave a trail to their location.
                                                                 Also, for your safety, remain on the outside of their
         QUEST 2: “The Long Road To Recovery”                    camp, and count as many members of their group as
                                                                possible.  Do this for me, and I will give you a hand-
         QUEST 3: “The Children Need Us”                         some reward.  Take these trail markers and leave a
         QUEST 4 (Adult PCs Only): “Your Role, As An                trail so that I may follow it upon your return.
         Adult”                                                 GM NOTE:  Should the PC(s) take on this task Shou
                                                                Bishu will suggest that they leave immediately.  Each
         Quest 1: “Extending One’s Self”                        PC(s) will receive five (5) trail markers.
         Requirements: N/A                                      PART 2    “Breadcrumbs”

         NPC Characters of Contact
                                                                Location: Shikoku Prefecture; Matsuyama
         -Shou Bishu
                                                                   The PC(s) leave the area and head Northeast.
         -Man                                                   Along the way they drop trail markers to lead Shou

         -Village Gang Members                                  Bishu to the bandits location.  While completing this
                                                                portion of the quest, a man walking in the opposite
                                                                direction sees them drop trail markers.  The man
         -Uchitori District                                     stops, changes directions to follow the PC(s).

         -Shikoku Prefecture, Matsuyama; 83°                    GM NOTE: The GM should roll an Awareness Test
                                                                verse the PC(s) to see if the notice the man following
                                                                them.  Should the detect the individual, the man will
            The PC(s) travels have led them to the Uchitori     enquire about what they are doing.  This man is actu-
         District in Shikoku.  While attempting to find work,   ally a lookout for the bandit group.
         they are offered an opportunity of employment by
         Shou Bishu of the Uchitori Ninja Clan, who needs                              MAN
         them to investigate a camp just outside of the district.    What are you doing; leaving those colored rocks on
         He suspects that the group is engaging of the human                        the ground?
         trafficking of his district’s women and children.      GM NOTE: The PC(s) should deceive this man.
                                                                Letting on that they are working with the Uchitori
         PART 1    “All the Wrong Ways”                         Ninja Clan will lead to a fight.  Should the man lose

         Location: Uchitori District                            50 HEA, he will attempt to run back to the camp and
                                                                alert the men there.
            It is dusk.  The PC(s) have wandered through the
         southern portion of the Uchitori district passed sever-  PART 3    “Observation Deck”
         al houses, heading north and find themselves in an     Location: Shikoku Prefecture; Matsuyama
                                                                   The PC(s) have arrived at the campsite.  The
         GM NOTE: If the PC(s) enquire about work, give         clearing is surrounded by patches of tall grass.
         them no leads until they are ready to leave.  When
         they get up to exit, a man in a cape and cowl will fol-  GM NOTE: Using the coverage of the tall grass (+3
         low them outside.  If the PC(s) do not enquire about   STE), the group may observe a total of 13 members
         work, this same man will follow them outside when      in this gang (1 Boss, 8 Soldiers, 4 Associates).  Near
         they leave to offer a work assignment.                 the large tent are 3 large cages holding 1D20 women
                                                                and 1D20 children total.

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