P. 45

returning from a venture into the district.  As they   GM NOTE: Rewards
         ascend the entrance ramp, the group sees Kokoro            -Experience Points= TBD
         Yatome and Ran Ogata cordially talking and seem-
         ingly enjoying each other’s company.  Their conver-        -Points of Renown= TBD
         sation is stopped when the two notice the PC(s) and        -Ki Energy=TBD
         they smile at them through an overwhelming air of          -Hansatsu= 350
         embarrassment.                                             -Refined Ninjato

                        KOKORO YATOME                            WGT      AtP  Rng  LiE        Mas     Vel    CoA
          I gather that you’re wondering what happened back        .8      5      1      30      2      2       1
         in Tokushima since last you saw the two of us.  I will
          explain.  I never understood Ran Ogata’s methods,     Name: Tokushima Daimyo Soldier
          and misunderstood his genius.  While we fought he
          was able to explain why he chose the path he took,    Attributes:                  Belt Level: Brown Belt
          and what he was able to do to assist in the mission.    HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         He truly made me feel like a novice.  I have gained a    103    5    3     1     1     4     4    4    3
          new found respect for Ran Ogata, and can, in clear
                 conscious, say I have been humbled.
                                                                Techniques:                  Ki Energy: 300
                            RAN OGATA
           Nonetheless, the two of us are prepared to reward    -Attack Heights High      -Kicking Tech: Hook Kick

                 you for your excellence and service.           -Attack Heights: Medium   -Non-Proj Weapon Tech:

                                                                -Attack Heights: Low      Proper Grip V

         Name: Tokushima Daimyo                                   -Kicking Tech: Front Snap   -Special Tech: Accent II
         Attributes:                  Belt Level:  Blue Belt      -Special Tech: Jump     -Striking Tech: Rising Punch
          HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE                                     -Special Tech:Lock Picking II
                                                                -Striking Tech: Jab
           106    3    3     2     1     3     1    1    4                                -Non-Proj Weapon Tech:
                                                                -Striking Tech: Straight     Proper Grip VII

         Techniques:              Ki Energy: 150                                          -Non-Proj Weapon Tech: Ver-

                                                                -Kicking Tech: Front Trust
         -Attack Heights High      -Special Tech: Accent V                                tical Strike
                                                                -Special Tech: Spin       -Special Tech: Accent III

         -Attack Heights: Medium   -Non-Proj Weapon Tech: Prop-  -Kicking Tech: Side Snap
                                   er Grip II                                             -Kicking Tech: Flying Side
         -Attack Heights: Low                                   -Special Tech: Accent V
                                   -Strking Tech: Hook Punch                              -Standing Grapple Tech: Back
         -Kicking Tech: Front Snap                                -Non-Proj Weapon Tech:
                                   -Kicking Tech: Side Thrust                             -Non-Proj Weapon Tech: Hori-
         -Special Tech: Jump                                    Proper Grip II

                                   -Special Tech: Lock Picking I                          zontal Strike
         -Striking Tech: Jab                                      -Striking Tech: Hook Punch   -Def. Non-Proj Weapon Tech:
                                   -Non-Proj Weapon Tech: Prop-
         -Striking Tech: Straight     er Grip III                 -Kicking Tech: Side Thrust   Dishonorable Things I

         Punch                                                  -Special Tech: Lock Picking I   -Kicking Tech: Tornado Kick
                                   -Special Tech: Accent IV

         -Kicking Tech: Front Trust                             -Non-Proj Weapon Tech:    -Choke Tech: Rear Naked
                                   -Striking Tech: Knife Hand

         -Special Tech: Spin                                    Proper Grip III
                                   -Kicking Tech: Hook Kick                               -Def. Non-Proj Weapon Tech:
         -Kicking Tech:  Side Snap                              -Special Tech: Accent IV   Dishonorable Things III

         Weapon:  Idaina-sha No Yari                            -Striking Tech: Knife Hand   -Striking Tech: Downward

         The owner of this weapon has the power to control a    Weapon: Basic Katana
         maximum of six Amabie yokai using the governance                             WGT  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
         of  the Mystic Art: “Minions” @30 Ki Energy Pts.
                                                                                       1  20  1  15  1       2   1
                               Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
         Status Effect: N/A
                                .5   15   2   12   1   2   1    Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll

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