P. 42
I knew you wanted to join us when I saw you! Ha, Location: Tokushima Prefecture, Miyoshi
ha, ha! Saw it in your eyes. Say... where is the rest
of your group? Once lively, the drinks that Ran Ogata has sup-
RAN OGATA plied to the people in the Inn has taken the crowd to
I’m afraid they didn't feel as though your warning the next level. Everyone in attendance, that is not
was enough to make them want to join in your cele- apart of the Uchitori Ninja Clan has grown to a near-
bration. They pressed on. ly rambunctious. The Inn Keeper frantically tries to
DAIMYO TOKUSHIMA SOLDIER calm his rowdy patrons to no avail. He runs around
Well… Ha! What are you drinking?! Like I said, frantically chasing down the sound of breaking dish-
I’m feeling generous. es around the Inn. Everyone is seemingly having a
RAN OGATA good time.
Hmm… I too am feeling generous, sir. Allow me to Ran Ogata leans back with his elbows resting on
purchase a drink for you and your men. the bar calmly watching the calamity. He turns
DAMIYO TOKUSHIMA SOLDIER around satisfied, and motions for his clan to huddle
Wha—?! Well Okay!! A round of Japanese Whis- close to him. His voice seems to change from meek
key then! Hey Everyone, this guy is going to pur- to authoritarian.
chase a round of drinks for us!
Everyone in the crowd cheers for the Uchitori. Listen up. We don’t have much time. Now that they
Everyone except a large muscular man who sits alone are inebriated, find out everything there is to know
holding a small cup of tea. His expression is angry about the guards of the Daimyo’s estate. We need to
and skeptical of the Uchitori’s motives. know: how many guards are still there, their patterns
of movement, if there are any weaknesses in defense,
PART 5b “Assessment” the best way in, where the alarm bell is located, and
where the Daimyo will be at this time of night. And
Location: Tokushima Prefecture, Miyoshi anything else worthy of note. Now fly!
GM NOTE: Only read this part should any of the GM NOTE: Question Answers:
PC(s) elected to join Kokoro Yatome. 1. How many guards= 6 outside, 2 guarding the
Kokoro Yatome angrily leads the group of PC(s) large house 2 guarding the Estate House.
up the hill toward the location of interest while he 2. Guard placement and patterns of movement=
silently fumes mumbling inaudible words to himself. TBD by GM
Before long the PC(s) are near the front gate of the
Daimyo’s estate. Kokoro Yatome leads the group 3. Weaknesses= The South wall due to no windows,
behind some nearby brush, to consult his team. and a double wall when you consider the privacy
wall of the Estate House.
The first thing we need to do is find the best way into 4. Best way in= Scaling the South Wall at either
the compound. There is an entrance on the North, corner when no guard is present will give you
East and South walls. Even with the lightened guard cover of trees or bushes.
presence I’m sure they will be guarded. We will spit
up and scout the area. Take note of what you see and 5. Alarm bell= None. We use a cry of, “Shin'nyu-
reconvene here as fast as you can. sha”.
GM NOTE: Use the Compound map on pages 43-47
to place guards. There are only 10 guards available 6. Where is the Daimyo= At this time of night, prob-
to guard the outside of the compound. Use the rules ably on the second floor of the estate house sleep.
of guarding to determine guard type. Allow the PC(s) 7. Any other notable information= The Daimyo
to select which area they will investigate to find the keeps five Amabie in the pond of his house. When
best way inside. threatened he will run to the pond for protection.