P. 112

Weapon Options:                                        Katsunoka– Enemy

         •  One Handed Sword                                       The Katsunoka-Kurai Hitokage feud is only a few
         •  Staffs and Polearms                                 years old yet carries some of the most fearful conse-

         •  Axes, Clubs and Mallets                             quences.  After the ninja Toru attacked and killed all
         •  Fistload                                            but one of the members of the Katsunoka estate in an
                                                                effort to steal the fabled Shukumei-Ken there has ex-
         •  Articulated
                                                                isted a one-sided rivalry between the family and clan.
         •  Stealth Weapons and tools                           Master Rokuro Katsunoka has sworn to hunt and kill

         Relationships With Other Groups                        every member of the Kurai Hitokage Ninja Clan.
                                                                The lone master will attack with no regard.  Members
         Musuko No Sento No- Enemy Sanzo- Neutral
                                                                of the ninja clan are advised to retreat as Kastsunoka
         Katsunoka- Enemy               Takashiro- Neutral
                                                                carries with him the Shukumei-Ken, a weapon that is
         Kushihara- Neutral             Tominogoshi- Neutral    unparalleled.
         Nakatashi-Neutral              Uchitori- Neutral
         Yakama- Ally                                           Rank and Responsibility:

         Yakama– Ally
            The Hogen rebellion ran from July 28 – August
         16 in the year 1156.  This short civil war was fought      Beginner level students have rare responsibilities
         to resolve a dispute about the Imperial succession of   outside of duties of maintenance at the compound.
   h     Japan. Go-Shirakawa and Sutoku were rival sons of      Rarely, beginner students are requested to join on
   a     Toba.  Fujiwara no Tadamichi, first son of regent Fu-  missions where large forces are required.  This re-
   t     jiwara no Tadazane, sided with Go-Shirakawa while      quest, is known throughout the lower ranks to be a
   r     his younger brother Fujiwara no Yorinaga sided with    sort of Kamikaze.
         Sutoku.  Sutoku employed a man known as Inoshishi,
         who was head of a group of mercenaries that would      Intermediate
         later become the Kurai Hitokage.  Though Inoshishi’s
         forces fought valiantly, the forces of the reigning       The second level of student is the seasoned stu-
         Emperor Go-Shirakawa went on to defeat the forces      dent and is regularly asked to accompany higher
         of the former Emperor Sutoku.  Inoshishi was able to   ranking ninja on missions.  Students at this level that
         escape death but suffered severe injuries which many   show promise are often asked to accompany Head
         believed would have led to his death had it not been   Elders on their personal conquests.
         for a man carrying the surname Yakama.  In both or-    Advanced
         atory and written, this stranger’s description resem-
         bles Ganryu Yakama, leaving many Kurai Hitokage           Achieving the advanced rank is the true sign of
         ninja to speculate.  Whatever the case may be the ef-  acceptance for the Kurai Hitokage.  Advanced ninja
         forts of the Yakama have never been allowed to be      may plan their own missions and lead their own forc-
         forgotten.                                             es in the name of the Kurai Hitokage while moving

         Musuko No Sento No– Enemy                              the clan’s mission forward.
            The feud between these two factions is tale with    Expert
         origins forgotten by time.  In times passed, the Kurai
         Hitokage and Musuko No Sento No where allies with         An Expert level ninja of the Kurai Hitokage has a
         the same goals fo group and power.  However, the       single goal in mind.  That is to prepare themselves
         disparage began, it is known that the two groups will   for the Okumatte Shikien trials.  Doing so through
         go out of their way to thwart the known efforts of the   teaching classes, to ensure they understand their own
         other.                                                 skill is the ultimate goal.

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