P. 109

Musuko No Sento No

         Family Background:                                     Mystic Art: 10th Degree Black Belt: “Goon Ku-
                                                                ma”: This technique amplifies one’s Ki Energy and
            Said to only teach to those most consider de-
         ranged, are the Musuko No Sento No.  Though not        Stamina, allowing them to become a more fierce war-
         extremely wealthy, this group of miscreants is not     rior.
         taken lightly.  Upsetting tournament results through   Head Elder: Takki Daigohitsu
         their martial prowess is on one of the missions of this
         group.  Lead by a man most believe to be insane, the   Elder Members:
         Musuko No Sento No seeks acclaim for the people           -N/A
         who are looked down upon in society.  It is not a de-  Number of Students: 11
         sire to correct injustice, though, as this group enjoys
         causing trouble in the name of retribution.            Key Students:

         Martial Art Discipline of Origin: Sento                   -Yuudai Kato

            The Musuko No Sento No declare that they study      Weapon Options:
         the original martial art from which all other forms    •  Staff and Polearm
         spring. Created during the Japanese Hein period of
         782, they simply call it Sento (combat).  This art fo-  Relationships with Other Houses:
         cuses on strong, rigid movements that over power       Katsunoka- Enemy         Takashiro- Enemy              C
         their opponent.  In further training, the student is in-                                                      h a
         troduced to the sword.  Because the Samurai did not    Kurai Hitokage- Enemy  Tominogoshi-Enemy               p t
         appear until the 12th century, and Sento is said to be   Kushihara- Enemy       Uchitori- Enemy               e r
         practiced since the dawn of time, the Musuko No
         Sento No walk proudly amongst other schools.           Nakatashi-Enemy          Yakama- Enemy
                                                                Sanzo- Enemy
         Group Martial Art Name: Sento

            The Musuko No Sento No declare that they study      Mondokoro:
         the original martial art from which all other forms     N/A
         spring. Created during the Japanese Hein period of     Artform Breakdown Graph:
         782, they simply call it Sento (combat).  This art fo-
         cuses on strong, rigid movements that over power
         their opponent.  In further training, the student is in-
         troduced to the sword.  Because the Samurai did not
         appear until the 12th century, and Sento is said to be
         practiced since the dawn of time, the Musuko No
         Sento No walk proudly amongst other schools.

                                               Yuudai Kato

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