P. 105

About This Chapter                                     Elder Members

            This chapter is dedicated to helping players un-       A list of Masters in the group.  Any of the names
         derstand the hierarchy of the different families, clans,   listed in this section can be instructors.  All of the
         and dojos, as well as the first five levels of the curric-  names listed are older NPCs that command the ut-
         ulum in each specified art form.  If the players read,   most respect and humbleness from lower ranking dis-
         understand, and follow the information in this chap-   ciples.  If these characters are disrespected by any-
         ter, and play all the parameters of their character,   one, the violators will be dealt with accordingly.
         they will be able to select a suitable path for them.    Some times students who disrespect them are ex-
         Therefore, please make note of the behavior of ALL     pelled without question.  If disrespect occurs from
         the different organizations.                           outsiders, it is brought to the attention of the school,
                                                                and those people are dealt with accordingly through
         Background                                             reprimands, fines, or worse.  Also, for every Elder
            The information in this section gives a brief intro-  member listed, an Affiliation Quest may need to be
         duction into the group’s history.  It may talk about   fulfilled in order to gain higher approval of the group.
         objectives or other affiliations they have with other   Number of Students
         groups.  "A player wishing to become affiliated with
         a particular group may want to read and memorize          Gives information to verify the size of a group’s
         this information, as it may become helpful later in a   student body.  At any given time, this amount of
         quest, campaign, or scenario.  It may become helpful   NPCs can be found at the dojo training, living within
         later in a quest, campaign or scenario.                its walls, or performing other personal duties within
                                                                the province the dojo is situated.
         Martial Arts Discipline of Origin
                                                                Key Students
            This information tells the origin of the fighting                                                          C
         style of any group.  All of the art forms originated      This information gives a list of names of the most   h
         from a previous form of art in one way shape or        respected characters who are studying the martial      a
         form.  Since, another has derived to become what       way at the group’s dojo.  These students are the third   p t
         they are today.                                        tier, behind the Elder Members and the Head Elder.     e
                                                                Following their instruction and giving them respect is   r
         Family Martial Art                                     highly recommended, however these NPCs can be
            This information discusses what art for the group   challenged in sport.
         is currently studying.  It often tells about the focus of   Weapon Options
         the art, and mentions names that were key figures in
         its development.                                          This information lists the types of weapons that a
                                                                character studying this discipline will learn to use.
         Mystic Art
                                                                Relationships With Other Groups
            This is the 10th degree mystic art form developed
         by the household and is the trademark technique used      This section represents how the family, clan, do-
         by the highest ranks.  This technique use a Ki Energy   jo, or group views the other well known families,
         focused concentration to attain a higher level of mari-  clans, dojos, or groups in the country.  In the event
         tal arts ability and understanding.  This section gives   that the Playable Characters cross paths with a mem-
         detailed information about the ultimate mystic art     ber of any of the houses, they can expect a specified
         found in the group, though there are several others.    type of interaction.
         Included may be the history and philosophy behind
         why the technique is used.                             Mondokoro
         Head Elder                                              This is a description of the emblem used to decorate
                                                                and identify the organization.
            This is the person who is in control of the house.
         All members of the group follow the leadership of      Artform Breakdown Graph
         this character as he is the most respected of them.  As      This pie graph breaks down the martial artform to
         with respect, this person is the most respected of the
         group, no matter their age.                            illustrate what technique set the artform provides.
                                                                Each type of techniques (whether it is Striking, Spe-
                                                                cial, Grappling, etc.) is presented as a percentage to
                                                                show what is emphasized by the artform.

   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110