P. 101
Experience Points Non-Affiliated Experience Points
The final step to creating a character is determin- If the character is not affiliated with any family,
ing which techniques a character already knows. The dojo, clan, or group, the player rolls 1D20 to find out
techniques available to a character at the start of the how many previous experience points this character
game are dependent on the amount of Experience has. After this roll, write the number cast in the Ex-
Points they initially have. perience Points blank found in the Money and Points
There are two ways to determine this number of
points. During the character creation process, it has Using the Experience Points Rolled
already been determined whether or not the character The only limitations as to what can be done with
is affiliated with a family, dojo, or clan. Whether or the experience points are the amount of points availa-
not the character is affiliated will decide not only
how experienced they are at the start of the game, but ble and the player’s imagination. The player may
also what techniques they may (initially) have access decide to apply these points any way possible. They
to. can save them and apply them to a martial arts devel- C
opment chart to advance them faster through the h
Affiliated Experience Points ranks of a certain system of choice. They may use a p
them to give their character a few added combat or t
If the player has created a character with an affili- e
ated outcome from Chart 3-10, turn to Chapter Four: role playing bonuses from the start of any game by r
Families, Dojos, & Clans and find the page of the se- acquiring techniques. If a player choses to purchase a
lected alliance’s curriculum. Write the specified skill from the Movements List found in Chapter Five,
Martial Art name on the blank in the Martial Arts write that technique in the Acquired Abilities box on
Discipline Box. Next, roll 1D4 to receive a belt level page two of the Character sheet.
for the character on the chart below: Once the points are used for whatever skill the
player intends, they should be subtracted from the
Chart 3-15: Martial Arts Belt Level
Experience Points total. Any additional experience
1= White Belt points need to be earned through game play.
2= Yellow Belt Using the Hansatsu Rolled
3= Orange Belt During the character creation process, the players
4= Green Belt roll on Chart 3-13: Character Hansatsu, which gives
players a small amount of currency to begin the game
with. If the player elects to do so, turn to Chapter Six
Turn to the affiliated groups training chart in "Weapons and Armor" or Chapter Seven "Animal
Chapter Four: Families, Dojos, and Clans. Each lev- Chart" to purchase the item or animal of choice.
el in that group will have a designated amount of ac- Creating Your Backstory
quired Experience Points, attribute bonuses, and tech-
niques earned for that level. Fill in the appropriate Now that the player has the details of their char-
Experience Points for the previous level completed in acter they may create the character’s backstory.
the Martial Arts Discipline box (ex: 55/55). Next, What was their life like growing up? What are some
Apply the attribute bonuses given from each level specific, fun memories from their childhood? What
earned. Then, write the acquired techniques from all are some specific negative, scary, or traumatizing
of the earned belt levels into the Acquired Tech- memories from their childhood? What is the charac-
niques Box on the back of the character sheet. ter’s daily life like before becoming an adventurer?
All of these things and more can be used to create the
character’s backstory making them an interesting
character of Ninja vs. Samurai RPG.