P. 98

Character Attributes                                   Throwing Range

            Now it’s time to get down to the real nitty-gritty.        To discover the character’s Throwing Range,
         Follow the Attributes Chart below to create your       simply add the Strength Points attribute (to represent
         character.  Roll the die designated for the attribute,   how far the character can hurl an object, measured in
         and write that number or sum in each blank provided.   yards), with the Awareness Points attribute (to repre-
                                                                sent the character’s ability to aim).  The total will de-

                                                                termine the character’s Throwing Range.  Place that
                                                                number in the space provided below the Character
                                                                Attributes box.

                                                                           Throwing Range Formula:

                                                                                  Strength Points
                Chart 3-12: Character Attributes                              + Awareness Points
   a            HEALTH POINTS: 100+1D20                                               Throwing Range
   r            CARRY POINTS: 1D8                               Hansatsu Chart

                PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 1D4                        Hansatsu is the name of currency used in Ninja
                                                                vs. Samurai RPG.  During the Edo period, feudal do-

                MOVEMENTS POINTS: 1D4                           mains of Japan issued scrip called Hansatsu for use
                                                                within the domain. This paper currency supplement-
                                                                ed the coinage.
                AWARENESS POINTS: 1D4
                                                                   Players should roll 1D8 on the following chart to

                DEFENSE POINTS: 1D4                             figure out the amount of Hansatsu the character will
                                                                start out with at the beginning of the campaign or
                STRENGTH POINTS: 1D4                            scenario.  Player created characters have an initial
                                                                item of clothing (shirt, pants and a pair of shoes) re-
               STAMINA POINTS: 1D4                              gardless of the amount of Hansatsu they roll.

                                                                          Chart 3-13: Character Hansatsu
               STEALTH POINTS: 1D4
                                                                           1= 60

                                                                           2= 50

                                                                           3= 15
                                                                           4= 75

                                                                           5= 20

                                                                           6= 100
         Ki Energy
                                                                           7= 50
            Players begin with a certain number of Ki Energy
         Points to help them during the game.  Roll 1D20x2                 8= 45
         and write the cast die number in the blank designated
         for Ki Energy Points below the Attributes Box.

                                                                                              An image of Hansatsu

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