P. 95
Chart 3-8: Character Personality 7- The Mastermind: Tremendously insightful and
1- "1- The Guardian: honoring traditions and laws, usually are very quick to understand new ideas. Their
they have a clear set of standards and beliefs. They primary interest is not understanding a concept, but
may have a problem with fulfilling other’s needs for rather applying that concept usefully. Masterminds
intimacy, and may hurt people’s feelings by applying tend to blame misunderstandings on the limitations of
logic and reason to situations which demand more the other party, rather than on their own difficulty in
emotional sensitivity. (+1 Stamina Points) expressing themselves. (+1 Stamina Points)
2- The Field Marshal: there is not much room for 8- The Visionary: This personality type is less inter-
error for the Field Marshal. They dislike repeated ested in developing plans of actions or making deci-
mistakes, have no patience with inefficiency, are sions than they are in generating possibilities and ide-
harsh when their patience is tried, are not naturally as. Following through on the implementation of an
tuned in to people’s feelings, and do not tailor their idea is usually a chore to the Visionary. (+1 Defense
judgments. Field Marshals are very forceful, deci- Points)
sive individuals who make quick decisions and ver- 9- The Champion: A charming, risk-taking, sensi- C
balize them to others. (+1 Strength Points) tive, people-oriented individuals with great people h a
3- The Nurturer: tend to prefer the tried and true skills. They are genuinely warm and interested in p t
way unless, and until, a new method has actually people, placing great importance on their relation- e r
been shown to be better. The nurturer has a difficult ships. Champions almost always have a strong need
time saying “no” when asked to do something, and to be liked, especially at a younger age. A Champion
may become over-burdened. In such cases, they do will tend to be “gushy” and generally be “over the
not usually express their difficulties to others. top” in an effort to win acceptance. (+2 Physical
(+1 Carry Points) Beauty)
4- The Performer: have very strong interpersonal 10- The Idealist: Is flexible and laid-back (until one
skills which often puts them in the role of the peace- of their values is violated). In the face of their value
maker. Since they make decisions by using their per- system being threatened, Idealists can become ag-
sonal values, they are usually very sympathetic and gressive defenders, fighting passionately for their
concerned for other people’s well-being. They like cause. When an Idealist has adopted a project or job,
to “go with the flow”, and hate structure and routine. it usually becomes a “cause” for them.
(+1 Physical Beauty Points) (+1 Defense Points)
5- The Promoter: needs to spend time alone, be- 11- The Protector: They trusts their own intuitive
cause this is when they can sort things out in their capabilities above all else. This self-reliance can
minds most clearly. A promoter who is over-stressed bring out a large amount of stubbornness and a ten-
may exhibit rash emotional outbursts of anger, or on dency to ignore the opinions of others. Protectors
the other extreme, be overwhelmed by emotions and have uncanny insight into people and situations.
feelings which they will share. (+1 Strength Points) They will avoid dealing with detailed tasks. (+1
Awareness Points)
6- The Caregiver: is very loyal and dependable, they
place great importance on honesty and integrity. This 12- The Exploiter: Like the Performer and the
personality type is not comfortable with breaking Champion, these types also possess a great deal of
laws or going against the rules. However, if they are people skills; unlike the others, they use their skills to
able to see a good reason for stepping outside of the maneuver people into doing exactly what they want
established mode of doing things, the Caregiver will them to do. They do so by poking at people, getting
support that effort. (+1 Awareness Points) under their skin, and provoking reactions until they
get the one they want. Despite the methods they use
to manipulate others, an Exploiter's motives are usu-
ally unselfish. (+1 Physical Beauty Points)