P. 118
Mystic Art: 10th Degree Black Belt: “Hyaku Kogeki” in dispelling the threat. Both agreed that someone
is a technique that allows one to deliver multiples of a had the intention to fix the fight, and agreed to back
learned attack to a target in a split second. out of the contest to the digression of the public.
Weapon Options: Now, should their two paths cross, they will have a
drink and relive this memory.
Relationships with Other Houses:
Musuko No Sento No= Enemy
Katsunoka- Ally Takashiro- Neutral
Musuko No Sento No has always been a thorn in
Kurai Hitokage-Neutral Tominogoshi– Ally the side of the Nakatashi. As Genrei Nakatashi
Kushihara- Ally Uchitori- Neutral toured the country for sport, the Musuko No Sento
No group would be ever present, to heckle and scoff
Musuko No Sento No- Enemy Yakama- Neutral
at Genrei Nakatashi’s victories. Despite Genrei Na-
Sanzo- Neutral katashi personally inviting their members to face him
in combat on numerous occasions, no one from the
Katsunoka= Ally
dojo ever took him up on the offer. However, from
Rokuro Katsunoka and Genrei Nakatashi became the distance, the Musuko No Sento No remains disre-
friends that formed a family bond during Genrie’s spectful toward the Nakatashi family.
year of dominance. Rokuro Katsunoka and he met
up for a drink and discuss several topics where they Rank and Responsibility
shared similar views and attitudes about life, family Beginner
and martial arts. This bond remained through the Na-
C The Beginner level students of the Nakatashi
h katashi’s ascent into celebrity, and the Nakatashi con-
a family dojo have a secondary responsibility outside
p tinued to assist the Katsunoka to follow suit.
t of training. They are to search for and recruit new
e Kushihara= Ally
r students into the Nakatashi dojo.
The alliance between the Kushihara Samurai and Intermediate
Nakatashi was formed after Genrei Nakatashi was
given a district to preside over, and began attending Intermediate students are often requested to act as
meetings with the like of Daimyo Ghoda. As a guards around the Nakatashi grounds. This level of
young man, Genrei Nakatashi impressed Daimyo student is also the first group of students to be re-
Ghoda, who believed the young man conducted him- quested for duty outside the confines of the dojo.
self with the elegance of a samurai, announcing that Advanced
Nakatashi-san would be able to merge with the Sam- Advanced students are often asked to be sparring
urai Clan should he chose. Keeping his discipline, partners for the twins Gataki and Tagaki Nakatashi.
Genrei Nakatashi declined the offer properly, ex- When Genrei Nakatashi must leave on official family
plaining to Ghoda his personal goals, which Ghoda business, as he often does, he will appoint a group of
ensured that the Kushihara would assist him if ever four to six students to act as body guards for his be-
need be.
loved wife, Mei. This is a position of honor and
Tominogoshi= Ally causes a bit of a competition between the students at
The Tominogoshi and Nakatashi alliance oc- this level.
curred when gamblers tried to get the two greatest Expert
combatants from different disciplines to fight to de- Expert level students are asked to lead classes in the
termine who the best is. During meetings both Tom- absence of the head elders. They may also be select-
inogoshi Goro and Nakatashi Genrei enjoyed each ed to accompany Genrei Nakatashi on his outside en-
other’s company, and agreed to a friendly match to deavors where they may be assigned the task of out-
quell the interests of the public. However, before the side recruitment, in hostile territories.
fight, raiders attacked Goro and Genrei assisted him