P. 121

Mystic Art                                             Katsunoka= Enemy
         Master: “Sanzu Gami” manifests itself in two ways.        The Relationship between the Katsunoka and
         The mystic dragon, Ren, which protects the Sum-        Sanzo is something purely born out of an interaction
         moner or party, or as the ferocious, Misaki, the giant   between the late Ioi Sanzo, Rokuro Katsunoka and a
         tiger with limitless Strength.                         young woman named Aimi Onishi. Rokuro and Ioi
         Weapon Options                                         were close friends for several years during a time
                                                                when Ioi was courting Aimi. Rokuro Katsunoka was
         • Staff and Pole Arm                                   strangely jealous of the pair from the start, and would
                                                                ask specific questions about the direction of the rela-
         • Fistload Weapons                                     tionship.  One evening, Rokuro Katsunoka followed
                                                                Aimi Onishi and Ioi Sanzo home after a celebratory
         Relationships With Other Groups                        night where the three found each other at the same
                                                                tavern.  Rokuro Katsunoka was drunk and behaving
         Musuko No Sento No- Enemy Sanzo- Neutral               as though he was desperate for the attention of Aimi
                                                                Onishi. Unfortunately, the relationship between Hiro
         Katsunoka- Enemy               Takashiro- Neutral      Sanzo and Aimi dissolved, but Rokuro Katsunoka’s
                                                                curiosity and behavior never changed.  Hiro Sanzo,
         Kushihara- Neutral             Tominogoshi- Neutral    being ever suspicious also ended his toxic friendship
                                                                with his long time friend, Rokuro Katsunoka after
         Nakatashi-Neutral              Uchitori- Neutral       mutual acquaintances revealed that Rokuro had ro-
                                                                mantic encounters with several of Ioi’s ex-lovers
         Yakama- Ally                                           over the course of the friendship.  Ioi Sanzo had
                                                                those acquaintances killed, but knowing Rokuro
         Yakama= Ally
                                                                Katsunoka was the keeper of the Shukumei-ken, Ioi
            The relationship between the northern and south-    made the decision to not engage the sword master.      C
         ern most prominent families is an intriguingly simple   However, the grudge between the two families was      h a
         one.  Unlike most families who’s reception of Sanzo    born and still burns.                                  p
         members, is apprehensive at best, Ganryu Yakama        Rank and Responsibility                                t
         has held no prejudice toward the Dragon and the        Beginner                                               e r
         Tiger.  This type of reception is foreign to Sanzo yet
         quite refreshing, and allows them a sense of normali-     The Beginner level students of the Sanzo family
         ty that they’d otherwise receive elsewhere.   Because   dojo have a secondary responsibility outside of train-
         of this, the Sanzo consider the Katsunoka family al-   ing.  They are to search for and recruit new students
         lies, for lack of having a true ally, however, no really   into the Sanzo dojo.
         interaction nor business deal has ever taken place to   Intermediate
         warrant such accolades from the Sanzo.
                                                                   Intermediate students are often requested to act as
         Musuko No Sento No= Enemy                              guards around the Sanzo compound.  This level of
                                                                student is also the first group of students to be re-
         As the Sanzo family reputation grew under the lead-    quested for duty outside the confines of the dojo by
         ership of Hiro Sanzo, the Musuko No Sento No mar-      the head elders.  This request has garnered an unfa-
         tial arts group was a particular group that the Grand   vorable reputation since many of the students who go
         Master became particularly interested with.  He want-  on these missions do not return.
         ed to merge the groups together to create a powerful
         faction of the martial arts and build an army to one   Advanced
         day gain control of Japan.  A meeting was set be-         Advanced members of the Sanzo dojo are often
         tween the two leaders, and the man known as            asked to be sparring partners for Utsemi Sanzo or
         “Mukade” agreed that the two factions could fulfill    Hiro Sanzo (should the scenario be played before his
         Hiro Sanzo’s plan.  However, Mukade was not to         exile).
         keen on being the second in command, and just as
         Hiro Sanzo’s plan was gaining traction Mukade          Expert
         turned his back on the master causing him to lose a       Expert level students are asked to lead classes in
         pivotal battle, and forcing him to retreat.  The separa-  the absence of the head elders.  They may also be se-
         tion depleted the Sanzo army by half, and Hiro Sanzo   lected to accompany any of them should outside en-
         was forced to abandon his goal of national domina-     deavors deem their assistance necessary.
         tion.  Not to be left humiliated, Hiro Sanzo turned his
         attention to the Musuko No Sento No martial arts
         group, and thus began a war between the two factions
         that is being waged to this day.

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