P. 123
Takashiro Dojo
Clan Background: joined forces and swore to let the feud conclude without
their influence. This infuriated both Uesugi and
Founded by a lone Shinto monk, the Takashiro clan Takeda. Hearing that bounties were placed on their
is one of the regions defenses. Though not as large as heads this group formed a Samurai group. As they fled
the Kushihara, the Takashiro clan protects much of the from danger and stopped infiltration from those inter-
western section of the country. The Takashiro clan ested in bounty, news of their warrior prowess spread.
seeks accolades, and many of its members openly chal- The group became known as the Takeshido No Okami
lenge other groups to attain respect from the surround- (Bushido’s Wolves). Soon they seemed to gain new
ing area. Considered to have abandoned the original members every time they entered a new region. The
Shinto traditions the Takashiro clan has many grudges Takeshido No Okami grew strong and everyone who
with outside family elites, and holds a special grudge trained with them gained the same physical prowess as
with the members of the Kushihara Samurai. the legend that was spread throughout the land. Soon
Clan Mondokoro: they were strong enough to establish themselves in Ja-
pan and began constructing a fortress where the secrets
"Seven Paths of Enlightenment" The Takashiro family of their arts were taught. The Takeshido No Okami
emblem is emblazoned in red and intended to show the changed their the name to Takashiro, which was an
energy and power coming from anyone who dawns the amalgamation of first and last initials from each of the
family mondokoro. The actual seven paths originate founding members, and named their art Takashiro Ryu.
from a black orb that symbolizes protection from
which everything stems. The paths which are based on Artform Breakdown Graph:
seven of the eight tenants of the Bushido codes repre-
sent righteousness, courage, benevolence, respect, in-
tegrity, honor and loyalty and are represented with each
of the yellow arcs.
Head Elder: Kensai Takata h
Elder Members: p
Bo Kikojima Kiyo Manata Tsuno Moto e
Number of Students: 6,310
Key Students: N/A
Martial Art Discipline of Origin: Bushido
Is the way of the samurai life, literally, "the way
of the warrior"; which is also influenced by Shinto
and Zen Buddhism, allowing the violent existence of
the samurai to be tempered by wisdom and serenity.
Some aspects of warrior values became formalized
into Japanese feudal law. This code expanded and Takashiro-Ryu Renzokuken:
formalized the earlier code of the samurai, and
stressed frugality, loyalty, mastery of martial arts, RENZOKUKEN 1 RENZOKUKEN 2 RENZOKUKEN 3
and honor to the death. Under the Bushido ideal, if a Striking Type Grappling Type Non-Projectile Type
samurai failed to uphold his honor he could only re- •Jump + Straight
gain it by performing seppuku (ritual suicide). The B •Jump + Straight •Jump + Straight Punch
relationship between learning and the way of the E
warrior is clearly articulated, one being a natural G •Jab •Jab •Jab
partner to the other. All of this may be seen as part •Reverse Punch •Reverse Punch •(Select) Proper
of one's constant preparation for death-to die a good Grip
death with one's honor intact, the ultimate aim in life. I •Lunge Punch •Standing Back •Vertical Strike
Indeed, a "good death" is its own reward, and by no N •Spin + Backhand Grapple
means assurance of "future rewards" in the afterlife. •Dragon Suplex •Thrust
T •Rising Punch
Clan Martial Art: Takashiro- Ryu •Saito Suplex •Strike to Neck
A •Roundhouse Punch
During the rivalry between Uesugi Kenshin and •Top Mount •Thrust to Neck
Takeda Shingen several Samurai decided to leave from D •Spear Hand •Feint
both sides as to not be caught in the middle of conflict V •Mountain Punch •Shoulder Lock
with those of like minds. A few of those Samurai •Arm Bar •Diagonal Strike