P. 127
Weapon Options: illicit that behavior from another, they would point
out the other’s behavior as weak in their training of
• Staffs and Polearms guarding tradition, and that the natural order of the
Relationships with Other Groups human was to be arrogant in their dominance. Mika
Tominogoshi became a target of several of their dis-
Musuko No Sento No- Enemy Sanzo- Ally respectful encounters trying to prove that not only do
women need not train the arts, but they were the
Katsunoka- Ally Takashiro- Ally
weakest of all. Mika Tominogoshi however, never
Kurai Hitokage-Enemy Nakatashi- Ally waivered from her path being trained to ignore them.
She even assisted her older brother Goro Tominogshi
Kushihara- Ally Uchitori- Enemy
in remaining diligent to their ways. Because of this
Yakama- Ally the groups have never been able to see eye-to-eye.
The Tominogoshi maintain relationships through Kurai Hitokage= Enemy
absolutes, therefore groups that they have no relation- The term “ninja” is taught to be synonymous
ship and have not done anything negative are consid- with evil and wrong doing, therefore, the Kurai Hito-
ered allies. However, groups labeled enemy have kage ninja clan is not even given a chance to be form
performed some form of transgression against the an alliance with the Tominogoshi. The Tominogoshi
Tominogoshi family, and are true enemies. will not find favor with a clan associated with any
Kushihara= Ally organization that does not honor tradition.
The Tominogoshi feel a great sense of honor Uchitori= Enemy
from the Kushihara Samurai Clan. It was a humbling
experience for Goro Tominogoshi to be respected Like the Kurai Hitokage Ninja Clan, the Uchitori
and invited to train with many of the elite samurai of Ninja Clan is viewed through the same lens. The
the Pursuit of Harmony. This non-competitive time Uchitori ninja clan is not even given a chance to be C
had the champion expressing exuberance when he form an alliance with the Tominogoshi, though the h
returned to the Tominogoshi satisfied by the a
Uchitori being children gives the Uchitori members p
Nakatashi= Ally more of a possibility than their adult counterpart. t e
The Tominogoshi respect the Nakatashi as a fam- r
ily with similar interests. Their Head Elder, Genrei Rank and Responsibility
Nakatashi is a man well respected throughout the na- Beginner
tion as a great fighter, and his friendship with Goro
Tominogoshi sparked a friendly relationship. Beginner level students have rare responsibilities
outside of duties of maintenance at the compound.
Sanzo= Ally Rarely, beginner students are requested to join on
It is an odd pairing between the Tominogoshi and missions.
Sanzo. As the Tominogoshi share an alliance that is Intermediate
not reciprocated. The Tominogoshi respect the
Sanzo for the amount of wealth the group has The second level of student is the seasoned stu-
amassed, and feel that they should be an inspiration dent and is regularly asked to accompany higher
to all families of Japan despite their reputation. ranking Tominogoshi or Head Elders on their person-
al conquests.
Takashiro= Ally
The Tominogoshi-Takashiro alliance formed
when GenreihiroTominogoshi assisted with the ef- Achieving the advanced rank is the true sign of
forts the Takashiro were making to revitalized their endurance in the Tominogoshi dojo. Advanced stu-
district. Genreihiro Tominogoshi sent several sup- dents may plan their own missions and lead their
plies to the area that enabled the Takashiro to expe- own forces.
dite the building. For this, the Takashiro remain al- Expert
Expert level students are considered masters and
Musuko No Sento No= Enemy
are invited to give their input when decisions are be-
The Musuko No Sento No strained their relation- ing made. Expert level students are also responsible
ship, pushing it to the brink, with the Tominogoshi as for teaching all ranks of students, and continuing
Mika Tominogoshi was growing of age. It was the their training of Mystic Arts. Exemplary students are
tradition of the dojo for Musuko No Sento No stu- able to become Head Elders for their dedication to
dents to present themselves as impertinent to make the Tominogoshi school.
others act out of character. Once they were able to