P. 129
Uchitori Clan
Clan Background: the raid on the village or the death of its people. As a
good friend, Utsemi refused to believe that Kemi
A history that dates back to nearly the beginning would be so careless. Investigation, however, deter-
of time, the Uchitori Ninja Clan remains shrouded in mined that it was orchestrated by people who associ-
mystery. Even though the clan has very close bonds ate with Kemi. This began a feud between the two.
amongst its members, assignments are usually car- Utsemi swore he would avenge the death of his vil-
ried out by teams no larger than four. Through the lage and family, and hunted Kemi throughout all of
years the Uchitori has kept many secrets very well Japan. Being that he was overwhelmed Kemi fled,
hidden. However, it is known throughout Japan that yet no matter where he went, Utsemi would quickly
the Uchitori Ninja Clan and Kusihara Samurai Clan find him. Kemi spent the better half of his life flee-
are bitter rivals. ing from the clutches of the Kushihara. However,
Mondokoro while pursuing Kemi, several innocent bystanders
were injured in their wake. These people began sid-
"Birds of Flight" For those under the Uchitori Mon- ing with Kemi, who would teach them the way of the
dokoro a subscription to the crane. As it is known as ninja. Soon the group grew large enough to with-
a symbol of luck, longevity, and fidelity, cranes are stand attacks from the Kushihara. Kemi, had formed
said to grant favors in return for acts of sacri-
fice. The blue that encircles the cranes embodies the Uchitori Ninja Clan, and in it, the arts of ninjutsu
that message representing loyalty to the clan and were practiced to institute a ninja far stronger than
trust between the members throughout the earthly many others. The pursuit of adventure, treasure and
sky. The twin opposing cranes are shown together to passion became the mission of the new group and
show strength in numbers and are facing opposite continues to drive this group of vagabonds.
directions to show that those within the group are Artform Percentage Breakdown
protected by others. The color gray is used to solidi-
fy this message of security and reliability. C
Head Elder: Menta Keshinato a
Elder Members: t
-Kokoro Yatome -Osamu Korai r
-Ran Ogata -Shou Bishi
Number of Students: Unknown
Key Students: N/A
Martial Art Discipline of Origin: Ninjutsu
A separate discipline that integrated study of
more conventional martial arts along with shu-
rikenjutsu, kenjutsu, sojutsu, bojutsu, kumi-uchi and
others was introduced by the Uchitori ninja clan. As Artform Renzokuken:
one of the oldest standing martial arts in Japan, RENZOKUKEN
members of the clan spend a lifetime trying to master
this art form.
Current Martial Art: Ninjutsu •Front Snap Kick
It wasn’t always that the Uchitori and Kushihara •Straight Punch
groups feuded. It wasn’t until Kemi Hachitora be- E •Side Snap Kick
gan using small groups to raid neighboring villages
and castles to fulfill his desire of thrill, adventure and •Hook Punch
treasure. This was looked down upon by Utsemi I •Spin+
Sotmakata one of the members of the Kushihara N Hook Kick
Samurai dojo. Despite Utsemi warning Kemi of his •Rising Punch
ways, Kemi continued raiding villages, yet Utsemi
remained an ally. However, on a fateful day Kemi’s •Flying Side Kick
raid took a turn for the personal worse. Kemi raided A •Tornado Kick
Utsemi’s home village killing many of it’s people,
including some of Utsemi’s family members. When D •Select Proper Grip
confronted, Kemi declared that he did not know of