P. 241

Character Profile                                                     Quirks
      NAME (First)_Kanuki_________ NAME (Last)_Takanashi____ GENDER: _F_   1-_High Pain Threshold______________________
      AGE:_22 WEIGHT:_120 HEIGHT:_5’2” PERSONALITY:_Promoter________       Effect: -1 from all attack damage received _______   C
      REGION:_Yamanashi, Kofu____ AFFILIATION:_None____________ /____Pts   2– Shor Temper____________________________   a
      FAVORITE FOOD:_Jajamen__________________________    +5 Health Points   Effect: +1 to rolls for Power Strike_____________   t

      Character Attributes                         Bonus /      Martial Arts Discipline
                                                  Hindrance     NAME:_Samura-Kai____________________________________
      HEALTH POINTS          157
                                                  +__/-__       WHITE:_25/_25      BROWN:___/___           5th BLACK:___/___
      CARRY POINTS            8                   +__/-__       YELLOW:65/65      RED:___/___      6th BLACK:___/___

      PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS                 7    +__/-__       ORANGE:_50/75   1st BLACK:___/___     7th BLACK:___/___

      MOVEMENT POINTS               6             +__/-__       GREEN:___/___      2nd BLACK:___/___    8th BLACK:___/___
                                                                BLUE:___/___         3rd BLACK:___/___     9th BLACK:___/___
      AWARENESS POINTS              8             +__/-__
                                                                PURPLE:___/___    4thBLACK:___/___       MASTER:___/___
      DEFENSIVE POINTS  10                        +__/-__

      STRENGTH POINTS  11                         +__/-__       Possession List

      STAMINA POINTS            9                 +__/-__       1._Tominogoshi Medallion______________________ Qty.:_1___

       STEALTH POINTS           9                 +__/-__       Bonus: Access into Tominogoshi dojo______________________
                                                                2._Tominogoshi Student Uniform________________ Qty.: 1____
      Ki ENERGY:_1,248__________________  Bonus:+_______        Bonus: N/A___________________________________________

                                                                3._Nakatashi Student Uniform____________________ Qty.:_1___
      Throwing Range:_19____       Bonus:+_______
                                                                Bonus: Access into Nakatashi dojo________________________
      Animal 1                   TRAINING                       4.________________________________________ Qty.:_____

      KIND:__________________    OBD PTS EARNED:_______         Bonus:____________________________________________
                                                                5.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      HEA:_____  CAR:_____  STR:_____  DEF:_____  STA:_____
      MOV:_____  STE:_____  AWA:_____  OBD:_____                Bonus:____________________________________________

      Animal 2                   TRAINING
                                                                Points & CURRENCY
      KIND:_________________     OBD PTS EARNED:_______
                                                                HANSATSU:_2,018____________ EXP. POINTS:_N/A_________
                                                                POINTS OF REKNOWN:
      HEA:_____  CAR:_____  STR:_____  DEF:_____  STA:_____
      MOV:_____  STE:_____  AWA:_____  OBD:_____                Fame:_4,931,792____________  Infamy:_870,316___________

      -Sai Zun                   _    -Wall or Dome ____   At a tender age Kanuki's family was slaughtered along with various
                                              members of the province she once resided in.  The only remaining
      -Kami No Te _      __   -                          ___   member of her family, her older brother Seiji, is the only thing that
                                              keeps Kanuki connected and informed of the world around her.
      -Adrenaline         ___   -________________   Kanuki forewent all forms of education after age nine and since has
      -Clutches___ ______   -________________   solely trained in martial arts.  Already a master of her family
                                              fighting style her quest for martial knowledge has not stopped there.
      -Strong Blow ______                     Kanuki has also achieved a 3rd degree black belt ranking in Tom-
                                              inogoshi-Do, and paused her study of Samura-Kai, to learn Master
      -Fatal Blow _______                     Daisuke Matsunoshin’s secret fighting technique, “Kami No Te”.
                                              Though Kanuki is quite possibly Japan’s strongest martial artist, she
      -Side Step     ______
                                              must hide the fact that she is a woman from the sexist men of Japan.
      -Avoid            _____
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