P. 237

Tennin- are believed to live in the Buddhist heaven    Uwan does not physically exist and only consists of
         as the companions to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.     sound, it poses no physical danger.                    C
         Legends also make certain that the Tennin, angelic,                                                           h a
         creatures live on mountain peaks. Pilgrims some-                                                              p
         times climb these mountains in order to meet the ho-                           -W-                            t e
         ly spirits.                                                                                                   r
                                                                Waira- A large beast that lurks in the mountains,
         Tesso- A priest who was snubbed by the emperor         about which little is known.
         and became a swarm of rats which laid waste to a       Wanyudo- is said to take the form of a burning ox-
         rival temple.
                                                                cart wheel bearing the tormented face of a tyrant dai-
         Tsukuyomi- is the moon god in Shinto.  Tsukuyomi       myo who, in life, was known for having his victims
         was the second of the "three noble children" born      drawn on the back of an oxcart.  He is said to guard
         when Izanagi-no-Mikoto, the god who created the        the gates of Hell and to wander back and forth along
         first land, Onogoro-shima, was cleansing himself of    the road between this world and the underworld,
         his sins while bathing himself after escaping the un-  scaring townsfolk as he passes and stealing the souls
         derworld and the clutches of his enraged dead wife,    of anyone who gets too close in order to bring them
         Izanami-no-Mikoto. Tsukuyomi was born when he          to Hell with him.
         washed out of Izanagi-no-Mikoto's right eye.

         Tsurube-otoshi- is a creature that lurks in the tops of
         trees and drops down on unsuspecting humans, and                                -Y-
         has various descriptions - sometimes it is some sort   Yadokai "derogatory term for Koya Hijiri"- are con-
         of Oni or Tengu, sometimes it is a disembodied head,   sidered to be a kind of supernatural creature, wander-
         and sometimes it is a fireball.   The tsurube-otoshi,   ing at night, damaging property, injuring people or
         instead of falling, drops a well-bucket to scoop up its   kidnapping children.  In life they served as itinerant
         prey.                                                  traders, were well informed about life, and deceived
                                                                local people.

                                                                Yamabiko "echo"- are tree spirits and believed to
                                  -U-                           answer when one calls out.  They appear as small,

         Umibozu "sea bonze"- is an enormous Yokai said to      furry humanoid creatures often depicted in a sitting
         live in the ocean and capsize the ship of anyone who   position. They are found dwelling in mountains, val-
         dares speak to it. The Umibozu is said to have a       leys or caverns because this intensifies their echoes.
         large, round head, resembling the shaven heads of      They will always repeat the sounds of other noises
         Buddhist monks.  They are believed to be drowned       such as those created by humans.  Although they are
         priests, and exhibit the shaven head and typically ap-  often heard they are rarely ever seen.  If anyone at-
         pear to be praying. It is usually reported as having a   tempts to touch one it will feel like their hand is go-
         grey, cloud-like torso and serpentine limbs.  If an-   ing through molasses.
         gered, they ask that the crews provide a barrel that it   Yato-no-kami "gods of the night-sword"- are snake
         proceeds to fill with sea water to drown them. To      deities that lived in Namegata county.  They were
         avoid this disastrous fate, it is necessary to give him   rumored to bring familial extermination on anyone
         a bottomless barrel.                                   who saw them.

         Uwan-  is a disembodied voice that inhabits old,       Yosei "fairy"- is a spirits from Iwate Prefecture, it
         abandoned temples and homes in the Aomori Prefec-      was once feared that the yosei could bring the dead
         ture Japan.  When a person enters one of these build-  back to life.  It's also mentioned that the people of
         ings, the formless Yokai shouts out an ear-piercing    Mt. Horai and Ainu are small fairies that have no
         "Uwan!" The voice is only audible to people inside     knowledge of great evil, and so their hearts never
         the building - those outside hear nothing.  Since an   grow old.  The Kijimuna, tree sprites told in the Ryu-

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