P. 232

Mount Fuji or Mount Tsukuba. So he weighed them        Futakuchi-onna "two-mouthed woman"- is a type of
   C     on a great scale. However, when he was finished he     yokai characterized by their two mouths - a normal
   h     dropped the latter, splitting its peak. The Hitachi no   one located on her face and second one on the back
   p     Kuni Fudoki, a recording of the imperial customs in    of the head beneath the hair. There, the woman's
   e     the Hitachi Province told of such a giant living on a   skull splits apart, forming lips and teeth.
         hill west of a post office of Hiratsu Ogushi who fed
         on giant clams from the beach, piling the shells on
         top of a hill.                                                                 -G-

         Datsue-ba "old woman who strips clothes"- is a Jap-    Gagoze - is a demon who attacked young priests at
         anese Buddhist folklore of an old woman who sits at    Gango-ji temple.
         the edge of the Sanzu River in the Buddhist under-     Gashadokuro "starving skeleton"- giant skeletons
         world. At the river, she has two primary duties.       that are fifteen times taller than an average person.
         When a child dies she strips the children of their     Gashadokuro are created from gathering bones from
         clothes and advise them to build a pile of pebbles on   people who have died of starvation. The only way a
         which they can climb to reach paradise. But before     Gashadokuro can be detected before it appears is by
         the pile reaches any significant height, the hag and   hearing a ringing in one's ears.  If a Gashadokuro
         underworld demons maliciously knock it down. The       sees a human, it will grab it and attempt to bite its
         Buddhist bodhisattva Jizo saves these souls from       head off with its giant teeth.
         having to pile stones eternally on the bank of the riv-
         er by hiding them in his robe.  When a soul is that of   Goryo- vengeful Japanese ghosts, from the aristo-
         an adult, Datsue-ba forces the sinners to take off their   cratic classes, especially those who have been mar-
         clothes, and the old-man Keneo hangs these clothes     tyred.
         on a riverside branch that bends to reflect the gravity
         of the sins.  If the sinner arrives with no clothes,
         Datsu-ba strips them of their skin.  Various levels of                          -H-
         punishment are performed even at this early stage.     Harionago "Barbed woman"- is said to be a
         For those who steal, for example, Datsueba breaks      "beautiful woman with extremely long hair tipped
         their fingers, and together with her old-man consort,   with thorn-like barbs that is under her direct control,
         she ties the head of the sinner to the sinner's feet.   and she uses it to ensnare men.  She is said to wander

                                                                the roads of the Japanese prefecture of Ehime on the
                                                                island of Shikoku.  When she finds a young man, she
                                 -F-                            will laugh at him, and if the young man dares to
         Fujin- is the Japanese god of the wind and one of the   laugh back, Harionago will drop her terrible, barbed
         eldest Shinto gods.  He is portrayed as a terrifying   hair and attack.
         dark demon, resembling a red headed black human-
         oid wearing a leopard skin, carrying a large bag of    Hashihime "the maiden of the bridge"- is a woman
         winds on his shoulders.  The deity is often with Rai-  who spends lonely nights waiting for her lover to vis-
         jin, the god of lightning, thunder and storms.
                                                                it, and later as a fierce "oni" or demon fueled by jeal-
         Funayurei "boat spirit"- are ghosts that have become   ousy. She came to be associated most often with a
         vengeful spirits (onryo) at sea. They frequently ap-   bridge in Uji.
         pear in ghost stories and miscellaneous writings from
         the Yamaguchi Prefecture and the Saga Prefecture.
         Funayurei are ghosts believed to use ladles to fill
         boats with water and make them sink. They are said     Hone-onna "bone woman"- is a female Yokai who
         to be the remnants of people who have died in ship-    kills men by extracting their life-force or by grabbing
         wrecks and are attempting to cause humans to join      their hands and holding them until the victim be-
                                                                comes a skeleton itself.

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