P. 247

Character Profile                                                    Quirks
      NAME (First)_Rokuro_______ NAME (Last)_Katsunoka_____ GENDER: _M_    1– Luck_________________________________

      AGE: 52_ WEIGHT:_155_ HEIGHT:_5’8” PERSONALITY:_Mastermind____       Effect:_+1 to Critical and Fatal Strike___________   C
      REGION: Morioka, Iwate________ AFFILIATION:_Katsunoka___ /_N/A Pts   2– Natural Leader__________________________   a
      FAVORITE FOOD: Nambu Senbei____________________ +4_ Health Points    Effect: +1 Odds & Even rolls once per day to con-  t e
                                                                           vince others to follow the direction of the character   r

      Character Attributes                         Bonus /      Martial Arts Discipline
                                                  Hindrance     NAME:_Samura-Te_____________________________________
      HEALTH POINTS          130                   +__/-__      WHITE:_30/_30      BROWN:175/175       5th BLACK:500/500

      CARRY POINTS            7                    +__/-__      YELLOW:_30/_30  RED:310/310               6th BLACK:600/600
      PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS                 4     +__/-__      ORANGE:125/125 1st BLACK:_145/145  7th BLACK:700/700

      MOVEMENT POINTS               5              +__/-__      GREEN:_102/102   2nd BLACK:162/162   8th BLACK:800/800
                                                                BLUE:_90/90          3rd BLACK:300/300    9th BLACK:900/900
      AWARENESS POINTS              5              +__/-__
                                                                PURPLE:_235/235  4thBLACK:400/400     MASTER:1000/1000
      DEFENSIVE POINTS             7               +__/-__

      STRENGTH POINTS  6                           +__/-__      Possession List

      STAMINA POINTS            7                  +__/-__      1._Yakama Master Uniform____________________ Qty.:_1__
                                                                Bonus:_Access into Yakama Dojo.  Access to Shukumei-Ken___
       STEALTH POINTS            4                +__/-__
                                                                2.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      Ki ENERGY:_1,632__________________  Bonus:+_______        Bonus:____________________________________________
                                                                3.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      Throwing Range:_11____       Bonus:+_______
      Animal 1                   TRAINING                       4.________________________________________ Qty.:_____

      KIND:_Taisho_____________  OBD PTS EARNED:_170_
                                                                5.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      HEA:100__  CAR:_18_  STR:_5__  DEF:_4__  STA:_3__
      MOV:_10_   STE:_3__  AWA:_8__  OBD:_4__                   Bonus:____________________________________________

      Animal 2                   TRAINING
                                                                Points & CURRENCY
      KIND:_________________     OBD PTS EARNED:_______
                                                                HANSATSU:_150,000_________  EXP. POINTS:_N/A_________
                                                                POINTS OF REKNOWN:
      HEA:_____  CAR:_____  STR:_____  DEF:_____  STA:_____
      MOV:_____  STE:_____  AWA:_____  OBD:_____                Fame:_18,546,967____________  Infamy:_3,273,010_________

      Mystic Abilities                        Rokuro Katsunoka was one of the most humble nobles throughout
                                              Japan.  His charity and gentle nature was something every one
      -Seimei No Nagare_    -Chaser Blast______   believed to be model.  Seen on numerous occasions providing for
                                              the sick and hungry, and known for his fierce ability to wield a
      -Heal_                  __   -Seeker Blast  _____   sword made Rokuro a living legend.  Because of his outstanding
                                              character and talent, Rokuro was gifted the legendary Shukumei-
      -Heal +1D6         ___   -Soul’s Control ____   Ken and swore to protect it from those who would intend to use it
      -Ki Blast___ ______   -Dragon’s Breath___   for evil.  Rokuro lived peacefully faising his family and practicing
                                              his art until his house was attacked by the Kurai Hitokage as they
      -Mega Blast_______   -________________   attempted to steal his famous blade.  In a fierce battle, Rokuro lost
                                              home, students and namely his son.  Now, the Master wanders
      -Multi Blast_______   -________________   Japan searching for those who wronged him and stole everything.
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