P. 251
Choke Technique- the martial art techniques that fo-
Action Roll- the third step of combat where the win- cus on asphyxiation of air ways or blood flow.
ner of the "Control Roll" casts the 1D6 in an attempt
to hit the opponent. Club- a thick heavy stick used as a weapon.
Affiliation- the group that a character is closely con- Contact Area- the area on a given weapon that comes
nected to, and is either training with working for, or into contact with a target.
both. Control Roll- The initial roll of a battle in which
Ainu– the unfortunate citizens who were considered 1D12 dice are cast to determine who will attack first,
below the fourth tier of the Japan’s feudal structure. who will defend, and in what order.
Arm Joint Lock Technique- the martial art techniques Counter Attack Weapon Technique- the martial art
that focus on applying tension to the joints of an arm, techniques that focus on body position or defensive
including the wrist or elbow. postures with a weapon to attack an opponent.
Armor Ratio (AR)- determines the amount of damage Criminal Rating– assigns a level of punishment rele-
a piece of armor can withstand from one (1) attack. vant to crimes committed.
Articulated Weapon- any weapon made up of two or Critical Hit- an attack to a specified area of the body
more sections connected by a joint that can pivot or that causes greater damage, status effect eliminate the
be swung. use of an opponent's limb.
Artisan– a class of the feudal Japanese tier system -D-
responsible for producing Japan’s beautiful and nec-
essary goods, clothes, cuisine, and prints, were con- Daimyo– powerful Japanese feudal lords who, until
sidered less important than the farmers. Even skilled their decline in the early Meiji period, ruled most of
blacksmiths and boat wrights belonged to this third Japan from their vast, hereditary land holdings .
tier of society in feudal Japan. Attributes- A Quality Death- the ending of all vital functions or processes
that quantifies a characters proficiency for a given in an organism or cell determined when the Health
skill. Points drop below zero.
Awareness Points– the attribute that quantifies a char- Defense Points- the attribute that quantifies a charac-
acter's intellect. ter's toughness or pain threshold.
Awareness Test– a check done by the GM or Player to -E-
find out if a character is aware or able detect the
presence of another. Enchanted Weapon- a weapon with a previously cast
Ax- a tool consisting of a flat heavy metal head with a spell, blessing, or curse which gives the weapon spe-
sharpened edge attached to a long handle. cial or unique abilities.
Encumbrance- a hindrance or burden to a character's
-B- movement.
Basic Non-Projectile Weapon Technique- the martial Experience Points- the point system used to allow
art techniques that focus on the basic attacks and/or characters to level up or attain skills.
defenses of using non-projectile type weapons.
Belt Level- the color of the belt that signifies the -F-
wearer's skill level starting from white and ending in Falling Technique- the martial art techniques that
the master's black. focus on reducing the amount of damage received
Blacksmith- somebody whose job is making and re- from falling, being taken down or thrown.
pairing iron and metal objects. Farmer/Peasant– Citizens who were considered an
Bleeding- loss of blood from the body as a result of honored class, the farmers lived under a crushing tax
illness or injury. burden for much of the feudal era.
Bushido Code– loosely translates to mean “Way of Fast Travelling– allows characters to travel between
the Warrior” and was the code of conduct of the sam- two previously discovered locations without having
urai class of Japan. to traverse that distance in real time.
Fatal Strike- the second phase of a Critical Strike that
-C- will eliminate a foe in one strike.
Carry Capacity- the attribute that quantifies the
amount of equipment, supplies, weapons, armor, ac-
cessories, etc. a character is able to carry.