P. 252

Favorite Food- a food selected in the character crea-                          -M-
         tion stage of Ninja vs. Samurai that indicates a food
         that will restore more Health Points for a character   Mallet- a tool with a large usually wooden or metal
         over others.                                           head that is used for striking opponents or targets.
         Feint Non-Projectile Weapon Technique- the martial     Mass- the property of an object that is a measure of
         art techniques that focus on faking attacks to gain an   its inertia, the amount of matter it contains.
         advantage over an opponent in a combat situation.      Melee- a term used to identify a player turn.
         Fistload Weapon- weapons that are smaller in size
         and are worn or held in the hand.                      Melee Round- the inclusion of the reaction to a play-
                                                                er’s melee.  You can think of a melee round as a full
         Free Movement- a movement that does not take much      inning of baseball, both top and bottom.
         time to perform such as dropping an item to the floor   Merchants– citizens who were not liked and consid-
         or ground.
                                                                ered "parasites" who profited from the labor of the
                                 -G-                            more productive peasant and artisan classes.
         Game Manager (GM)- the person who creates, de-         Module–  series books that are dedicated to helping
         signs, and controls all the non-playable aspects of    GMs and players understand a particular  family,
         the campaigns and scenarios in a game of Ninja vs.     group or clans, as well as the curriculum used to at-
         Samurai.                                               tain a black belt ranking and higher.
         Ground Guard Grapple Technique- the martial art        Mount Grapple Technique- the martial art techniques
         techniques that focus on controlling an opponent       that focus on controlling an opponent while sitting on
         while lying on one's back.                             top of them.
                                                                Movement Points- the attribute that determines how
                                 -H-                            far a character may mover per turn.

         Hand Technique- the martial art techniques that focus   Mystic Ability– an attack a player can learn and use
         on striking an opponent with different hand and arm    that can cause a major amount of damage in one
         attacks.                                               strike.
         Health Points– the attribute that governs the life of a
         character.                                                                     -N-
         Horse Riding Technique- the techniques that focus on   Non-Playable Character (NPC)- the good, neutral,
         riding and controlling a horse.                        evil and creature characters found in Ninja vs. Samu-
                                                                rai that are controlled by the GM.
         Individual Movement- the character’s movement ac-
         cording to the Movement Points attribute.              Odds & Evens- a governing device for the GM that
                                 -K-                            has many uses such as avoid arguing with players,
                                                                determining effects from attacks, rules for guarding
         Kendo Armor- low grade armor used in the training      an area, bleeding answering yes and no questions,
         of non-projectile combat, particularly sword combat.   etc.
         Ki Energy- the point system that allows characters to                          -P-
         utilize acquired skills and Mystic Abilities.          Pace Guard- the act of a character guarding an area
         Kicking Technique- the martial art techniques that     by pacing along a designated path.
         focus on striking an opponent with different foot and
         leg attacks.                                           Physical Beauty Points- the attribute that determines
                                                                how charming or attractive the character is to other
         Knockout- a blow that knocks somebody unconscious      characters.
         that occurs when the character's Health Points drop
         below twenty (20).                                     Pierce Probability- the probability that a weapon has
                                                                the ability to pierce armor.
                                 -L-                            Pierce Probability Formula- the equation used to de-

         Leg Joint Lock Technique- the martial art techniques   termine whether a strike pierces the armor of a wear-
         that focus on applying tension to the joints of a leg,   er.
         including the knee, hip or foot.                       Playable Area- an setting designed by a GM in which
         Life Expectancy- the weapon attribute that indicates   the game of Ninja vs. Samurai is played.
         how long the weapon will last before it is in jeopardy   Playable Character (PC)- any character created and
         of being defective or breaking.                        controlled by a player of Ninja vs. Samurai.
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