P. 253
Points of Fame- are a sub-category of Points of Re- Soldier- the first level of the organization in the for-
nown earned through positive interactions, deeds, etc. mal hierarchy.
and can lead to benefits such as discounted prices,
free items, willing assistance, etc. when it comes to Special Technique- techniques that do not specifical-
ly require a martial action.
game play.
Points of Infamy- are a sub category of Points of Re- Staff- a stick, rod, or pole of various lengths used as a
nown earned for negative recognition, such as being
connected to criminal activity, evil deeds, or mali- Stamina Points- the attribute that determines how
cious activity and could make things more difficult to many movements a character can do during the play-
accomplish in certain environments where a reputa- er's turn.
tion may proceed a character as well.
Standing Grapple Technique- the techniques that fo-
Points of Renown– a points system used to determine cus on the ability to grab and control an opponent
a character’s ability to be recognized, celebrated or while standing.
feared. Standing Guard- the act of a character guarding an
Polearm- is a weapon in which the main fighting part area by standing in one particular spot.
of the weapon is fitted to the end of a long shaft, typi-
cally of wood, extending the user's effective range. Status Effect-the various effects that cause a change
in a character not specifically related to health.
Power Strike– an attack that has more damage poten-
tial than a normal attack, by adding in a character's Stealth Points- the attribute that quantifies how well a
Strength Points attribute. character may move around undetected.
Projectile- an object that can be fired or launched at Strength Points- the attribute that determines how
an opponent or target. much damage a character is able to do to a target or
Projectile Weapon Techniques- the martial art tech-
niques that focus on using weapons that are able to Stun Hit- a blow that depletes an opponent's Defen-
fire at opponents from various ranges, usually long sive Points in one blow causing the attacker to gain
ranges. one free movement.
Sweep Takedown Technique- the techniques that fo-
-Q- cus on the ability to take an opponent down via swip-
Quirk– a specific feature of a character that may help ing the foot/feet or leg/legs.
or hinder them in certain situations. Sword- a handheld weapon with a long blade that is
sharp on one or both edges and sometimes slightly
-R- curved.
Range– the distance of an attack by a character or -T-
Reaction Roll- the defenders roll on a 1D6 die that is Throwing Range- the distance a character can throw
the effort to avoid being hit by another character. calculated by adding the Strength Point and Aware-
ness Point attributes together.
Region of Origin- the location where the character
was born and raised. Throw Takedown Technique- the techniques that fo-
cus on the ability to take an opponent down via toss-
-S- ing them over a hip or shoulder.
Samurai– the word samurai originally meant “one -U-
who serves,” and referred to men of noble birth as-
signed to guard members of the Imperial Court. Alt- Ultimate Weapon- the most powerful class of weap-
hough they made up only about 10% of the popula- ons with effects stronger than that of enchanted
tion, samurai and their lords wielded enormous pow- weapons.
er and maintained a noble status among the people of -V-
Samurai Armor- a suit of metal that gives protection Velocity- the attribute that determines the speed at
to various parts of the wearer. which a weapon is able to moves.
Shogun– the military dictator of a feudal Japanese -Y-
Yokai- A class of Supernatural monsters of Japanese
Skills- the ability to do perform a task gained through folklore.
spending experience points.