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obstacle. If the obstacle’s distance exceeds the quarry, an automatic “Action Roll” is earned. How-
Movement Points, another roll is required to continue ever, after three failed attempts to catch a fleeing
the climb. Failed rolls indicate that the character falls character it is ruled that they escaped.
from the obstacle a distance of 1D6 yards rolled by Encumbrance
the GM. A this time a second 1D6 vs 1D4 roll against
the GM will determine if the character catches them- Encumbrance is a hindrance or burden to a char-
selves on the fall. Should the player fail this roll, the acter's ability to move. One becomes encumbered
character falls from the obstacle, receiving falling when the amount of weight from object(s) they are
damage and needing to begin climbing again should carrying exceeds the Carry Points a character has. C h
the character survive the fall. When this occurs, the Movement Points receive a a p
penalty. The amount over a character’s Carry Points t
To swim, the player must add a 1D4 roll to the e
Movement Points attribute. The added bonus will limit is the amount be subtracted from the Movement r
increase the amount of yards the player is able to Points rounding down. However, a character's Move-
move during one melee. A player may swim under- ment Points cannot drop below 1 Movement Point. A
water for a maximum amount of time that is equal to character can become unencumbered when they no
the character’s Stamina Points. The last Stealth Point longer possess an item or items whose weight exceeds
should be used to resurface, in order to take a breath. the Carry Points.
Once that turn is taken, the player may return under- How to Guard
water and continue traveling.
When guarding, the player employs the charac-
Movement During a Melee ter’s Awareness Points attribute. There are two ways
to guard, Pacing and Posting.
During a melee, a character is able to move away
or toward an opponent. To move toward an opponent, To Pace guard, the player or GM must designate a
a player must know the Attack Range, which is how pattern that the character is going to patrol. The char-
far away the opponent is from the character or target. acter may walk the pattern pacing. At any given time
Attack Range is the key stat to know when trying to during the player’s melee, this guard may call for an
determine how far away two characters must be in Awareness Test. To do so, the guard need only apply
order to engage. Hand-to-hand combat is the only a 1D6 roll to the Awareness Points attribute. If the
combat type where two opposing characters must be die cast is greater than an infiltrator’s Stealth Points,
within the same space in order to engage. Projectile the infiltrator is discovered and the situation may be
and Non-Projectile Weapon combat, however, deals handled however seen fit by the guard.
in various Attack Ranges potentially allowing charac- To Post guard, a character must stand in a spot
ters to attack others without occupying the same and employ an Awareness Test. This test takes place
space while expands a character’s attack capabilities during the character’s turn. A character may only
(see Basic Rules of Armed Combat found on page perform one test during their turn taking 1 Stamina
55). Point. However, other Stamina Points may be used to
If a character needs to move during a battle, the perform other tasks. A player may also pass on the
character may do so during an “Action or Reaction opportunity to perform this test. Every hour of guard-
Roll” or via Odds & Evens roll before the first ing requires the GM to call for an Awareness Test
“Action Roll” die is cast. versus the guarding character to check the alertness of
the guard due to boredom. Failed rolls mean that the
If a character wants to give chase to a fleeing op- Character loses one (1) Awareness Point due to fa-
ponent, that player must also apply the Individual tigue.
Movement rules of running. To catch someone try-
ing to flee, the character giving chase must at least Using the Attribute Stealth
equal the amount of yards traveled by the character If a player wants the character to move and not be
running away. If the pursuing character catches their
detected, they need to employ their Stealth Points