P. 65

Line of Sight                                             To purchase a technique, the player needs to ref-
                                                                erence one of the many technique lists and find a
            Line of Sight rules are primarily used in environ-  technique that is wanted.  If the player has found the
         ments where vision is obstructed by objects and/or     technique they want, they can purchase it by sub-
         the amount of light in an area, such as wilderness or   tracting the designated amount from their Experience
         urban settings.  The type of terrain should be deter-  Points, providing they have enough.  Once the player
         mined by the GM during the scenario.
                                                                has purchased the technique, they should document
            In the event that conflicting characters come       the technique’s Name in the Acquired Techniques
         within imminent distance of each other, all characters   box on the character sheet. Next, make a note of the   C h
         should roll a 1D6 Awareness Test to determine if       technique’s Ki Energy Used and Effects on a sepa-      a
         they actually spot each other (applying any modifi-    rate sheet of paper or notecard.                       p t
         ers).  The casters who roll the highest win and can                                                           e r
         then plot a course of action.  If there is no time to   How to Use Acquired Techniques
         plan due to proximity, the players are awarded an au-     A player must understand three things when
         tomatic Control Roll versus opponents to perform       wanting to use an acquired technique which are Re-
         any action.                                            charge, Ki Energy and Ki Energy USED.
         In the event of a tie, all parties spot each other at the      The Recharge element of a technique informs a
         same time and combat may ensue using the applica-      player of how often a technique may be used during
         ble rules of combat.                                   a turn.  This is displayed in the following format:

            For characters who are using projectile weapons,
         the line of sight can also determine whether or not a                        (Recharge)
         successful shot can be taken.                             The grey spaces indicate a pattern of when the
                                                                technique may be utilized.  The white spaces indicate
         Techniques                                             how long the technique may not be utilized after a
                                                                use; otherwise known as the Recharge Period.  This
            Techniques are specific martial arts movements
         learned by characters in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG.        gauge does not mean that a technique may only be
         There are several categories of techniques and all     used as a first technique, only that when it is used it
         provide aid in self-defense and preservation of a      may not be used during the two following melee
         character’s life.  There are important things that a   rounds.  Another way to understand this gauge is
         player needs to understand when acquiring and using    through a ratio.  This gauge would indicate a ratio of
         techniques for optimum efficiency of various situa-    1:3.  Meaning that for every melee the technique is
         tions.  This section is dedicated to instructing players   used, the player must wait two following melee be-
         in the etiquette of using these various types of abili-  fore it is able to be used again.
         ties.                                                     The Ki Energy indicates how much Ki Energy is
                                                                “saved” within the character.  This number is found
         Acquiring Techniques
                                                                near the bottom of the Attribute Box, and will fluctu-
             Techniques are to be purchased through the ex-     ate during the game through the acquisition and ex-
         penditure of Experience Points.  Any given technique   penditure of Ki Energy.
         in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG is going to be worth a de-
         termined amount of Experience Points.  One can find       Along with Ki Energy, the Ki Energy USED
         this amount noted in the last column of all the tech-  number allows a player to know how many Ki Ener-
         niques in Chapter Five under the chart heading “Exp.   gy points must be available in order to use a particu-
         Points to Purchase Technique”.  Many techniques        lar technique.  This number, for any technique, is
         have Prerequisites, prior conditions that are required   found in the fourth column of their corresponding
         for one to purchase a technique.  These prerequisites   Technique chart, located in Chapter Five.
         prohibit the acquisition of techniques until the re-      If the available amount of Ki Energy points
         quirement is fulfilled.                                “saved” within a character is less than the number of
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