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and will remain so as indicated by the technique. artform. The Renzokuken begin as a combination
Though this technique puts the character on defense, containing three techniques and grow to a maximum
nullifying a Control Roll bonus may prove helpful. of nine techniques. The Renzokuken first become an
Another way to nullify a Control Roll bonus is to available option during combat when the character
use the “Prophet” technique. “Prophet” allows a completes the Orange Belt level of their training.
character to anticipate an opponent’s attack, and bet- This level of accomplishment is known as the Begin-
ter defend against it. Although using this technique ner Level Renzokuken or Renzokuken 1. This fea-
puts the character on defense, the bonus given makes ture utilizes three techniques from completed belt C
defending an attack much easier. levels. Upon completion of the Purple Belt level, h
three more techniques are added, for a total of six. a
Other such techniques of Stealth, Movement, or This second addition to the Renzokuken is the Inter- p t
Defense are activated in a similar fashion. Simply mediate Renzokuken or Renzokuken 2. Finally, up- e
follow the rules of each Special Technique type in on completion of the 1 Degree Black Belt, three r
order to properly and effectively use the acquired more techniques are added to create the full nine
technique. technique Renzokuken. The final Renzokuken is
SPECIAL Attacks called the Advanced Renzokuken or Renzokuken 3.
Mystic Ability How to Use Renzokuken
A Mystic Ability is a specific ability that is To use the Renzokuken in combat player must
learned from the various schools, clans or dojos of have 3 STA for any level, and 15 Ki Energy Points
Ninja vs. Samurai RPG. Its potential is so powerful available to employ this feature. This type of attack
that the player must specifically save Ki Energy may only be directed at one target no matter which
Points to perform the ability. level is being performed. For a player to use their
character’s Renzokuken they must declare that they
To use a Mystic Ability, a player must announce
that they will do so during their Action Roll before are going to do so before casting the Action Roll.
the die is cast. When a player makes a successful roll They also must declare which of the three levels of
to activate their Mystic Ability, the action is per- Renzokuken they will perform. After the Action Roll
formed, and the damage/effects are applied to the tar- die is cast players need to write down 15 Ki Energy
get for the designated duration. If the player loses to be subtracted from their character’s total Ki Ener-
the “Action vs. Reaction Roll” while attempting to gy after the conflict. Allow the target to perform a
perform a Mystic Ability, they lose the Ki Energy Reaction Roll if desired applying any bonuses availa-
Points associated with it -- as well as control of the ble. Reaction Rolls that are not higher than the Ac-
melee -- and are immediately on defense without tion roll deem the Renzokuken a success. If the Re-
making a new Control Roll. action Rolls is the same or higher than the Action
Roll, the Renzokuken is declared a miss or blocked
At least ten (10) Ki Energy points must be saved respectively, and damage may not be applied.
and designated to perform a Level One Mystic Abil-
ity. For a Level Two Mystic Ability, the player must After a successful use of this technique damage
save an additional ten points. The effects of perform- may be applied. To figure out damage multiply the
ing a Level Two Mystic Ability increase. For a Lev- character’s STR attribute by the amount of tech-
el Three Mystic Ability, the player must save a total niques used to perform the Renzokuken. Should the
of 30 Ki Energy Points. This action provides the character have anything that enhances the character’s
maximum effects of the Mystic Ability used. STR apply the bonus to any technique that attacks the
target. Beginner Level Renzokuken will multiply the
Renzokuken STR by 3. Intermediate Level will multiple the at-
The Renzokuken are a series of continuous strike tribute by 6, and the Advanced Level will multiply
patterns taught by a school that maximize damage the STR by 9.
potential using belt level specific techniques in each