P. 74

Equipping Pieces of Armor

            Using armor is a great way to help characters sur-           Formula for Pierce Probability
         vive physical confrontations.  To use armor, the char-     Mas+Vel+CoA= Weapon Pierce Probability
         acter must own and equip it by applying the armor’s
         information in the appropriate box on the character
         sheet.  Once the armor is equipped, that piece of ar-     Pierce Probability is a good way to add extra
         mor allows for a nullification of potential damage     damage and even eliminate a character’s armor to
         points, and may have a dampening effect on Status      make physical confrontation easier.  After a success-
   h     Effects.                                               ful piercing, the opponent is to subtract an additional
   a                                                            point from the Armor’s LiE attribute and the sum of
   p        The AR attribute provides the total limit of physi-
   t                                                            the weapon’s PP from the Armor’s DEF attribute that
   e     cal  damage that will be absorbed by the piece of ar-
   r                                                            will remain as  permanent damage until repaired.
         mor.  During combat, if the armored character is       Also, the rules for bleeding (See Page 59-60) are to
         struck, the attack’s damage points are applied to the   be applied in this situation to the victim.
         armor ratio rather than the character's Health Points.
         As long as the attack doesn't overcome the AR (and     Using Techniques in Weapons Combat
         the armor piece doesn't break), the character is able to      When a Character owns a weapon, they are not
         maintain their full Health Points attribute.  However,   able to use Ki Energy or techniques with the weapon
         if the damage does exceed the AR, the excess dam-      equipped until they acquire, appropriate techniques
         age is then subtracted from the armored character’s    that allow for its usage.  A character can use any
         Health.  This is to show that although there was sig-  weapon in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG, however it is
         nificant absorption of attack damage, bruising or light   highly recommended that they learn proper tech-
         damage may still be received.                          niques to manipulate a weapon effectively.
         Armor Limitations                                         To use acquired techniques, simply apply the in-

            Although full suits of armor are available to char-  formation from the “Effects” column of the technique
         acters, there is a limitation that arises when gathering   to the situation.  All the combat rules of using Ki En-
         or attempting to use armor.  The character’s Carry     ergy from unarmed combat are applicable to these
         Points may limit how much of it a character may        forms of combat.  Combinations can be created as
         wear.  The weight of armor may become a factor of      long as the character has Stamina Points and main-
         mobility for a character.  To ensure that encumbrance   tains the appropriate amount of Ki Energy to perform
         does not take effect, be sure that the weight the char-  the techniques being combined.
         acter is carrying does not exceed a character’s Carry   Weapon and Armor Maintenance
         Points.  Should this hindrance affect your character,      The equipment a character uses may lose its ef-
         find methods to increase your character’s Carry        fectiveness, which is determined by the equipment’s
         Points so that they may be able to function with the   LiE attribute.  It is best to regularly maintain all
         amount of armor desired.
                                                                equipment to avoid total uselessness or breakage.
         Pierce Probability                                     When the equipment’s LiE falls to 5 any Status Ef-
            Pierce Probability (PP) is the probability that a   fect or enchantment lent by the weapon becomes nul-
         weapon has the ability to penetrate something solid.    lified and the AtP is reduced to half.  Between 0-5,
         To discover a weapons Pierce Probability, simply add   the weapon is susceptible to breakage.  Once broken,
         up the three weapon attributes: Mas+Vel+CoA, after     equipment cannot be repaired or refined.
         a successful attack with a weapon.  This is the num-   How to Repair Weapons and Armor
         ber a player must roll 1D6 greater than to determine
         if the weapon pierces the solid object.  The Pierce       To have battle tested weapons or armor repaired,
         Probability only comes into play versus solid objects   a player need only guide his character to a blacksmith
         or characters wearing armor.                           within the realm of a campaign or scenario.  Once
                                                                there, the item may be refined through purchase.  The
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