P. 73

STEP 1: Control Roll                                          the White Belt Thug from earlier, who is terri-
                                                                       bly upset, a bit battered, holding a Katana blade
                Situation:  Rokuro Katsunoka is wielding a             with one hand and spouting off at the mouth.
                Katana and is facing a White Belt Thug, who is         Master Katsunoka calmly places his hand on his
                unarmed.  The White Belt Thug is prepared to           Katana and declares the use of Proper Grip I.
                attack but is hesitant to advance toward Rokuro
                Katsunoka because of the advantage held via     Declaring the grip is a must, because it allows players
                the use of a Basic Katana.  However, character   and GMs to know that the penalty for not being able to
                Rokuro Katsunoka is fully prepared to engage    use techniques due to improper hand placement has
                White Belt Thug.                                been nullified, and because it is simply something that
                                                                cannot be kept hidden.
         Because the White Belt Thug is unarmed, the Katana’s                                                          C
         Rng attribute gives Rokuro Katsunoka an advantage of          Situation: Master Katsunoka declares that he    h a
         +1 to the Control Roll.  The length of this weapon af-        will use Advanced Non-Projectile Technique:     p
         fords Rokuroko a bonus to the Control Roll as the die is      “Draw Strike” (+2 to Control Roll, upon win-    t
         cast.                                                         ning Control Roll for 1/2 STR damage).  This    e
                                                                       bonus is added to the +1 bonus from wielding    r
         Rokuro Katsunoka’s attributes are: HEA: 130, DEF: 5,          the katana vs. an unarmed opponent for a total
         STA: 7, STR: 6 with 1,632 Ki Energy Points at his dis-        of a 3-point bonus.  On a separate piece of pa-
         posal.  The White Belt Street Thug’s attributes are:          per, Rokuro Katsunoka subtracts the 10 Ki En-
         HEA: 119, DEF: 3, STA: 4, STR: 2, with 28 points of           ergy USED.  With the bonuses applied, the
         Ki Energy.                                                    fighters cast 1D12. Master Katsunoka lands a 6
         STEP 3: Action vs. Reaction Roll                              and adds his bonus for a total of 9.  The Street
                                                                       Thug lands a 4.
                Situation: Now that Rokuro Katsunoka has
                gained control of the situation, he attacks the   STEP 4: Damage
                White Belt Thug and strikes him with the Kat-          Because Rokuro Katsunoka won the Control
                ana (after a successful Action vs. Reaction roll)      Roll using Advanced Non-Projectile Technique:
                greater damage is done.                                “Draw Strike”, the Street Thug automatically

         STEP 4: Damage                                                receives 3 damage reducing his HEA to 116.
                                                                       The “Draw Strike” technique now goes into re-
         The damage applied is a combination of Rokuro                 charge for the following two melees.
         Katsunoka’s Strength Points attribute, 6 plus the AtP of
         the Katana, 20 for a total of 26.  Subtract the damage   STEP 3: Action vs Reaction Roll
         from the target’s HEA attribute, as in the rules for un-      With control of combat, Rokuro Katsunoka has
         armed combat.  Also, because the Katana has a bleed-          7 STA to attack, even after administering the
         ing Status Effect, the White Belt Thug must roll 1D4          first strike, because the first occurred during the
         Odds & Evens to determine whether additional damage           Control Roll.  For the first of 7 STA, Rokuro
         from bleeding is to be calculated.                            Katsunoka declares his attack as the Feint Non-
             After any engagement where a weapon is used, the          Projectile Weapon Technique: “Draining
         player must subtract 1 from the weapon’s LiE.  If not         Strike” (-5 to target DEF).  After jotting down
         taken care of, the weapon can deteriorate, and eventual-      the 6 Ki Energy USED to perform the tech-
         ly lose its effectiveness, or even break.  The LiE tells a    nique, Rokuro and the Street Thug cast the Ac-
         player how long the weapon will last before breaking.         tion and Reaction Rolls with the six-sided die
         Regular maintenance of a weapon will prevent this             which lands in favor of Rokuro Katsunoka, 5
         from occurring.  See the Weapons and Armor Mainte-            and 2, respectively.  The “Draining Strike” tech-
         nance section of this chapter to learn how to maintain a      nique goes into the recharge period.
         weapon’s effectiveness.                                STEP 4: Damage

         Using Non-Projectile Weapon Techniques                        The White Belt Thug loses the remainder of his
            Using non-projectile weapon techniques mirrors             DEF and Rokuro Katsunoka has a remaining 6
         using unarmed combat techniques in that you declare           STA. Katsunoka may use these remaining STA
         the techniques, write down the Ki Energy Points USED,         points to attack his target unblocked.
         and cast the die to perform the skill.  Defensive tech-  After the battle, the game is paused to tabulate the Ki
         niques work in the same manner as well.  To see these   Energy Point each player spent.  The Player will report
         techniques in action, and to learn how to apply learned
         techniques, the White Belt Thug has returned to face   to the GM that Rokuro Katsunoka spent 16 Ki Energy
         Rokuro Katsunoka, in a rematch where the two are       Points.  This total is subtracted from the 1,632 Points
         equipped with Katana swords.                           Rokuro Katsunoka owns.  He will have 1,616 when the
         STEP: 1 Control Roll                                   game resumes.
                Situation: Master Katsunoka is accosted by

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