P. 72

The next category is Life Expectancy (LiE).  LiE      If a weapon becomes available during a battle, it
         indicates the durability and condition of a weapon.    can be utilized.  To pick up a weapon, simply declare
         This attribute lets the user know how many situations   that the character is going to pick it up.  However, if
         the weapon may be used before it risks breaking.       an opponent wants to pick up the same weapon, the
         The weapon is considered in “Great” condition when     characters must perform a “Control Roll” to pick it
         the LiE is between 100-75.  A weapon with an LiE of    up.  The highest cast gains control of the weapon.
         74-50 points is considered “Good”.  “Fair” condition   Once the weapon is in hand, the player must apply
         is determined when the LiE spans between 49-25.        the Rules of Armed Combat.
   h     Finally, “Poor” condition is between 24-0 LiE.            A character is not able to direct attacks to specific
   p        The next category is Mass (Mas).  Mass deter-       heights, nor use weapon techniques if they do not
   t     mines the weight of the impact area of a weapon.       possess the Proper Grip techniques for that type of
   r     This category is set on an ascending scale where Low   weapon.  Consequently, possessing a weapon you do
         mass equals 1, Medium mass equals 2 and High mass      not know how to hold properly warrants a –1 to rolls
         is equivalent to 3 or more.                            against someone disarming or taking the weapon
                                                                from that character.
            The next is Velocity (Vel).  Velocity is used to
         indicate how fast a weapon can be manipulated.  This      To disarm someone with a weapon, a character
         scale is descending where a low velocity equals 3,     must possess the “Disarm” technique.  During the
         medium equals 2, and high is indicated by 1 or 0.      Action Roll, declare that the action is to disarm, sub-
                                                                tract the Ki Energy USED, and cast the die.  In the
            The next is Contact Area (CoA).  This category
         rates how large of an area on a given weapon comes     event that the character is disarmed, anyone may pick
         into contact with a target.  This scale is also descend-  up the weapon.
         ing where low, medium and high are shown as 3, 2,
         and 1 respectively.

            The next category is Status Effect.  Status Effect
         indicates any other type of damage or condition a
         weapon may cause after it is used against a target.
            Pieces of armor or solid objects have an attribute
         known as Armor Ratio (AR).  Armor Ratio deter-         Basic Rules of Armed Combat
         mines the amount of damage a solid, inanimate ob-         The rules of engagement for armed combat do not
         ject can withstand from a single attack.  The AR may   differ vastly from that of unarmed combat.  However,
         be thought of as one attack to the weapon’s AR         there are elements involved that a player must under-
         (1:AR).  Though all attack damage may not be ab-       stand in order to use a weapon within the combat sys-
         sorbed by the armor per attack, armor greatly de-      tem correctly.  A character may use any weapon they
         creases damage done to characters.                     choose, however, they will not be able to apply tech-

            Although all of these attributes are necessary to   niques using the weapon unless they’ve have the
         understand, the weapons of Ninja vs. Samurai RPG       “Proper Grip” technique for the weapon type.  Also,
         only a few of them are necessary to actually employ    player needs to understand the weapon’s attributes.
         weapons and/or armor during game play.
                                                                Those that come into play are highlighted in grey on
         Using Weapons                                          the weapons chart and certain attributes apply to cer-

            A character is allowed to carry three weapons at    tain phases of combat: during, the Control Roll, Ac-
         all times.  The first is known as the main weapon.     tion vs. Reaction Roll, and post battle.
         The second and third are sub-weapons. Any other           During the Control Roll, the weapon attribute
         weapons are to be stored in the Possessions List       Rng is used.  As stated, Rng determines the length of
         showing ownership.  These items are not equipped       a weapon and can give a bonus.  We will observe
         and cannot be used unless they are retrieved.          these rules in action through a situation.

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