P. 67
Kanuki remains in control. With 6 remaining
totaling an 18. Order is now established.
STA before another Control Roll is necessary,
Kanuki has an STA: 9, giving her 9 attack attempts Kanuki decides to use Close Quarter Striking
during her turn (barring that the first attack does not Technique: “Downward Elbow”. 4 Ki Ener-
miss or is blocked). The Street Thug has a DEF: 3 gy USED is written down with the collection
giving him 3 potential blocking opportunities during of the other amounts used. After a successful
Kanuki’s nine turns. Action vs. Reaction Roll, Kanuki adds 3 to
STEP 3: Action vs. Reaction Roll her STR 11 per the technique, and the Street
Thug is struck again.
Situation: For her first of 9 STA, Kanuki
uses the Standing Grapple Technique: STEP 4: Damage C h
“Front” (because this is Hand-to-Hand com- The Street Thug receives a total of 14 points a
bat the Street Thug is in range for such an ac- of damage from this technique bringing his p
tion). Kanuki jots down the 2 Ki Energy HEA to 79. The technique goes into its re- t e
USED with the previously used points. This charge period for the following two melees. r
technique is not available for use for the fol- The Street Thug now only has 1 DEF left.
lowing melee. She then, casts 1D6 for her
Action Roll landing a 5 and applies the +1 to STEP 3: Action vs Reaction
grabbing gained from using this technique to With 5 STA remaining, Kanuki declares the
this roll totaling 6. The Thug’s Reaction Roll use of the Arm Joint Lock Technique: “Arm
fails casting a 4, and he is grabbed. No dam- Bar” (Giving +2 to STR) with it, she writes
age is taken. down 2 Ki Energy USED. Kanuki casts and
For her second of 9 STA, Kanuki selects the lands a 6, while the Street Thug lands a 5 on
Front Throw Takedown Technique: “Hip the 1D6 Kanuki is again successful, and the
Throw” (jotting down the 5 Ki Energy Points Street Thug is hit. The “Arm Bar” technique
USED). This movement is now in recharge enters the recharging period for the next three
for one melee. Consequently, the Standing melee rounds.
Grapple Technique: “Front” will be available STEP 4: Damage
once again after this Action vs. Reaction Roll.
The combatants cast the die and again Kanuki Adding the modifiers from the die roll to the
wins, resulting in Kanuki throwing the Street attack, the Street Thug loses another 13 points
Thug to the ground. of health bringing his HEA to 62.
STEP 4: Damage The Street Thug has no more DEF Points available,
however Kanuki has 4 Stamina Points remaining in
To calculate damage, Kanuki casts 1D4 as which she may attack unblocked. The Street Thug
noted by the technique’s effects adding 4 to will receive full damage for Kanuki’s remaining at-
her STR: 11 totaling 15. This is taken from tacks.
the Street Thug’s HEA: 107= 92. Per Chart 5
-8, Kanuki also gains +1 to her next Attack After the battle, the game is paused to tabulate the Ki
Roll. Energy Point each player used. The Player will re-
port to the GM That Kanuki spent 15 Ki Energy
STEP 3: Action vs. Reaction Roll Points for the conflict. This total is subtracted from
Kanuki, having 7 STA available, declares the the 1,248 Points Kanuki Takanashi has. She will
use of Mount Ground Position Technique: have 1,233 when the game resumes.
“Top” (jotting down 2 Ki Energy USED) with Combat Techniques in Non-Combat Situations
the additional +1 from the last attack.
Kanuki’s cast totals a 6 on a 1D6. Because Not all acquired combat techniques require com-
the Street Thug only has 2 DEF Points left, bat for their use. Combat techniques can be used out-
and that this technique does not deliver any side of fighting (ex: breaking down a wooden door).
damage, the Street Thug decides not to defend The steps for using combat techniques used in non-
against this technique. Kanuki may remain in combat situations mirror those to situations of battle.
this position until she decides to get off her Select a technique and subtract the Ki Energy Points
opponent. Once she gives up this position, to use it. Roll the die and apply the technique’s bo-
the recharge for this technique will begin its nus (if applicable). Always remember that when a
two melee round period. technique is used the recharge begins, and will only
be available for another use after that technique’s re-
Sitting in the Mount Ground Position: “Top”, charge period passes.