P. 66

Ki Energy USED, the character is unable to use that           the “Prophet” technique is defensive, Kanuki
         technique until enough Ki Energy Points are earned.           is automatically on defense.  Also, according
                                                                       to the recharge of the “Prophet” technique, it
         Applying Techniques in Combat Situations                      may no longer be utilized during the follow-
                                                                       ing nine melee rounds.
            To use techniques in combat, a player must an-
         nounce to the GM that the character will do so by         STEP 3: Action vs.  Reaction Roll
         naming the technique.  A technique may be activated           The Street Thug casts 1D6 for his Action Roll
         in one of three instances: before the Control Roll,           and lands a 5.  Kanuki, on defense, casts her
         most commonly, before the Action Roll and before              1D6 and lands a 4.  However, with “Prophet”
   C     (or during) the Reaction Roll.
   h                                                                   technique being used, Kanuki receives +2 to
   a        If a player wants a technique activated before a           her Reaction Roll, giving her the advantage,
   t     confrontation begins, they may choose to do so, for-          and the Street Thug’s first attack is blocked.
   e     feiting participation in the “Control Roll.”  This, con-
   r                                                            Although the Street Thug has an STA: 2, Kanuki and
         sequently, puts the character on immediate defense.    the GM return to the Control Roll because the Street
         If the technique is offensive, the player may want to   Thug’s first attack was unsuccessful.  In other words,
         employ it before the Action Roll die is cast to gain   what the Street Thug wanted to do did not work ini-
         any modifiers.  If the technique is defensive, the user   tially, and now the Street Thug needs to rethink or
         may want to employ it before the “Reaction Roll” to    retry his strategy.
         gain the bonuses of the technique during the Defen-
         sive Roll.  This consequently automatically puts that      STEP 1: Control Roll
         character on defense.                                         Situation: The Street Thug and Kanuki Con-
             Once the technique is activated, the Ki Energy            trol Roll again.  This time Kanuki casts a 9.
         Points are spent regardless of the technique’s success        The Street Thug casts a 12, winning control,
         or failure, written down on a separate piece of paper,        and is again in control of the encounter.
         and the recharge period begins to allow a player to       STEP 3: Action vs. Reaction Roll
         know when the technique may be employed again.
         This feature allows the player to create a variety of         The Street Thug launches an unspecified at-
         strategies.  Knowing when to use techniques via the           tack against Kanuki during the Action Roll
         use of Stamina Points to perform various skills dur-          casting 6.  This technique does not use tech-
         ing the melee, allows player to create combinations.          nique; therefore, no Ki Energy Points are rec-
                                                                       orded.  Kanuki’s Reaction Roll falls short of
            For an example of using Ki Energy and multiple             defense as she casts a 3.
         Acquired Techniques, we will look at the character
         Kanuki Takanashi vs. an ordinary white belt level         STEP 4: Damage
         Street Thug NPC.  The information on Kanuki’s                 Kanuki is struck.  Kanuki records the loss of 4
         character sheet notes that she has a myriad of tech-          points from her HEA, and now has an HEA:
         niques available for use, as well as enough Ki Energy         153.
         (1,248) to perform them all.  Also, Kanuki’s Attrib-
         utes are: HEA: 157, DEF: 10, STA: 9 and STR: 11.          STEP 3: Action vs Reaction Roll
         For this example, the white blet level Street Thug            For the second of the Street Thug’s Stamina
         will have: HEA: 107, DEF: 4, STA: 2, and STR: 4.              Points, another unspecified attack is launched.
         The Street Thug will also have 36 Ki Energy Points.           He casts 1D6, landing a 3 during his Action

                Situation: Kanuki Takanashi is attacked by a           Roll.  Kanuki casts the same die, landing a 6.
                random Street Thug while walking down a                The Street Thug’s attack is blocked.
                lone, dark path.                                The Street Thug is out of STA for this round, yet
            STEP 1: Control Roll                                Kanuki still has DEF: 8 remaining.  Because they
                                                                now return to the Control Roll aspect of the confron-
                The two characters (Player vs. GM) get ready    tation, and Kanuki still has DEF points available, the
                to perform the Control Roll, when Kanuki        leftover points become a bonus to her Control Roll.
                announces that she will utilize her Ki Energy
                and perform the “Prophet” Technique (A skill        STEP 1: Control Roll
                that gives +2 to Reaction Rolls).  On a sepa-          Situation: The two cast 1D12 for the Control
                rate piece of paper, the player controlling            Roll.  Both Kanuki and the Street Thug land a
                Kanuki jots down the 10 Ki Energy USED                 10.  Kanuki receives +8 from her DEF bonus
                necessary to perform this technique.  Because

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