P. 68
How to Use Special Techniques Techniques of Movement
Often times, in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG, players Special Techniques of movement can assist char-
may find their characters in situations where fighting acters with both escaping and combat. Using the
is not the best answer to solve a problem. For exam- “Jump” technique outside of combat simply requires
ple, characters confronted by authority figures, such stating that the technique is going to be used, track-
as a group of guards, may find themselves severely ing the Ki Energy Points, then rolling 1D4 to receive
outmanned or equipped. In this instance, Special the bonus from the technique. This technique can be
Techniques may decide whether an outcome means used for both horizontal and vertical movements;
h life or death of a character. Special Techniques are however, it will need to be employed each time the
p those that do not specifically require a martial action. direction changes.
t There are three types of Special Techniques that can
e Much like the Jump technique, the “Escape”
r be employed: Stealth, Movement and Defense.
technique can be used as a movement tool to gain an
Techniques of Stealth advantage outside of combat and does not require a
conflicting roll to employ. Simply state that it will
Techniques of stealth help characters avoid con-
frontations, by providing assistance in persuasive or be used, then roll the 1D4 to learn how long the abil-
evasive behavior. The Awareness Test is the tool ity will last before it needs to be reset. This tech-
used to measure the character’s ability to make a cor- nique gives bonuses to break out of bondage, grap-
rect judgment about something. Using the Acting ples and holds. It also lends bonuses to the Stealth
techniques require a player to wear the clothing of and Movement attributes simultaneously. The bo-
the type of character they're pretending to be. Having nuses from the technique last as long as the indicated
an “Acting” technique enables the character to be- duration, and all of the bonuses may be used when
have as a familiar community figure and draw less necessary.
attention to him or herself. The player needs to roll Before conflicts begin one can employ Special
the appropriate die for the Awareness Test and apply Techniques of Defense. The “Quick Step” technique
the bonus given by the Special Technique to the at- can be used to flash between attack ranges. During
tribute(s) being employed. the Control Roll a player may simply state its use,
subtract the Ki Energy Points, and chose which di-
An “Accent” technique also allows for a behavior
modification, and permits the character to use the re- rection the character will move. Though this tech-
gional vernacular to aid in detection avoidance. To nique puts the character on defense, nullifying a
do so roll, the die designated by the GM during an Control Roll bonus may prove helpful.
Awareness Test, and apply the technique bonus to the Techniques of Defense
appropriate attribute.
Defensive techniques can change the momentum
Not all Stealth techniques require direct interac- of a combat experience by altering the outcome of an
tion with characters to successfully infiltrate an area. attack. To use techniques of defense, players must
The “Diversion” techniques allows characters to di- declare one during the Reaction Roll in response to
vert the attention of other characters to an emergency an opponent’s Action Roll, then cast the die. The
somewhere on the premises. To use this technique, defensive technique will be applied and both parties
simply announce that the technique will be used and will be allowed to perform their technique and apply
write down the Ki Energy Points to be subtracted lat- any effects to the melee.
er. Roll the 1D6 die to determine the desired effects.
Next, the player should roll 1D6 versus a 1D4 roll by Defensive techniques can also be applied before
the GM. Should the player roll higher, the NPC will conflicts begin. For example, the “Quick Step” tech-
investigate the situation. Roll 1D8 to determine how nique can be used to flash between attack ranges.
long the character will remain away from the post. During the Control Roll, a player may simply state
Successful use of these techniques may make mis- its use and chose which direction the character will
sions completely silent. move. Once used, the technique goes into recharge