P. 75

amount of points to fully restore weapons or armor        Mass (Mas): can be upgraded to lighten the
         depends on the amount of damage that weapon or         weapon.  Significant lessening of an item’s mass can
         armor has received and/or how much money the           make it easier to carry and wield.  This attribute can
         character is willing to spend.  There may be a time    be lessened to 0.
         frame in which the weapon remains at the shop for         Velocity (Vel): can be upgraded to make the item
         the completion of the repair or refinement.
                                                                easier to manipulate.  This attribute can be lessened
            Because of the materials needed to repair weap-     to 0.
         ons, the time period of the setting, as well as the       Contact Area (CoA): Maximizing the CoA of a         C
         skills, technology and knowledge, characters of Nin-   weapon is an upgrade that can make it a more formi-    h a
         ja vs. Samurai RPG may not repair their own weap-      dable instrument.  This attribute can be reduced to 0.   p
         ons.                                                                                                          t e
                                                                How to use Projectile Weapons                          r
         Breaking Equipment
                                                                   The use of a projectile weapon, such as a bow
            Weapons and armor break when their LiE attrib-      and arrow, is a three step process that mirrors the
         ute reaches 0.  It is not the GM’s responsibility to   Rule of Engagement.  There is a minimum of 3 STA
         remind players of the condition of their weapons.      Points needed to fire a projectile weapon.  The player
         Indeed, the LiE attribute is a gauge of how many       must first ready the weapon.  This is the action of
         confrontations the character’s equipment may en-       placing an arrow on a bow and drawing (pulling back
                                                                the string).  Secondly, the character must take aim.
            In the event that the LiE of a particular piece of   Finally, the character may fire the arrow, or projec-
         equipment has reached its limit, the GM should roll    tile weapon at the target.
         an Odds & Evens roll versus the Player.  The reason           The first STA is used to ready the weapon.
         for this roll does not have to be shared with the play-  The player must roll a   1D6 Odds & Evens roll.  If
         er. However, a hint may be given, such as, “your       the player rolls an Even number the weapon is ready,
         weapon makes an unfamiliar sound after the strike”,    if an odd number is cast the character has encoun-
         to let a player know that the item is near breaking.  If   tered a problem and the weapon is not ready to be
         the player loses the Odds & Evens roll, the weapon     fired.  If an odd number is cast, the player may not
         will break on the next strike, whether that strike is   go any further in the readying process until they roll
         successful or not.  If the player wins the Odds &      an even number; one Stamina Point is required per
         Evens roll the weapon does not break, but the player   attempt to ready a projectile weapon.
         must repeat the Odds & Evens roll on each strike us-
         ing the damaged weapon until it is repaired.              Once the weapon is ready, the player must then
                                                                aim their weapon.  The second STA determines that
         Refining a Weapon
                                                                the projectile will fly toward the target.  A second
            The blacksmiths of Ninja vs. Samurai RPG are        1D6 roll versus the GM is required.  The player must
         able to upgrade certain aspects of a weapon at any     cast the die equal to or higher than the GM in order
         price and time frame they desire.  The weapon attrib-  to have the projectile properly aimed.
         utes that can be upgraded are: Attack Points, Life        Finally, the player must roll 1D6 versus the GM
         Expectancy, Mass, Velocity, and Contact Area.          or character of which they are trying to hit as an Ac-

            Attack Points (AtP): can be upgraded to make the    tion vs. Reaction roll.   If the player rolls a higher
         item do more damage than a basic form of the weap-     number, the target is struck with the projectile and
         on.  The maximum AtP allowed for upgrade is dou-       the appropriate damage is subtracted (first from the
         ble the original attribute.                            Armor Points, then the Health Points attribute).

            Life Expectancy (LiE): can be upgraded to ex-
         tend the amount of times the weapon is used before it
         needs to be repaired.  This attribute can be doubled.

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