P. 79
certain situation. However, a pet will not become Other Aspects of the Game
loyal directly after being acquired. Pets need to be
taught who their master is. To train a pet, players How to Mix Ingredients
must earn all of the Obedience (OBD) attribute points There are situations in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG
determined in the die roll from the creation of the pet. where a player may want to prepare a meal for them-
To train a pet, a player must have a pet success- selves or others. To do so, there are three steps in-
fully accomplish the number of tasks determined by volved. The first step requires gathering ingredi-
the OBD attribute. Once that goal is accomplished, ents. This involves the player acquiring, the neces- C
the player is able to unlock the animal training table sary ingredients in anyway. h
and develop their pet along a desired path to become The second step involves actually cooking the p
a certain type of animal. Each attainable skill for the different parts of the dish. Each ingredient that t e
animal takes a designated amount of OBD to achieve needs to be cut and/or cooked requires a 1D6 r
a certain skill, much like techniques for human char- “Action verse Reaction” roll verse the GM, wherein
acters. the Animal Training Curricula are found in the GM will roll a 1D4. These rolls against the GM,
Chapter Seven “Animals Chart” preceding the animal are to show that each part of the meal is prepared
skills. properly. If the player loses their roll, subtract one
Equine Navigation Health Point from the possible Health Points earned
for each failed mixture.
The rules that govern the movement of horses are
exactly the same as the movement for a human char- After all the parts of the meal are prepared, this
acters. The player can also purchase skills to im- final roll is the dish being put together. Once again
prove several of the horses’ abilities. the player must roll the 1D6 higher than the GM in
an “Action verse Reaction” roll (with the GM again
To maneuver the horse, the character must simply rolling 1D4). If this roll is failed, no matter how well
state that he is mounted and riding. Navigation does the dish is prepared in the previous steps it cannot be
not become an actual task until an obstacle arises. a eaten, and the entire dish is a failure.
1D6 Odds & Evens roll will determine if an obstacle
is avoided or turn is made properly. There are specif- Poisons and Potions
ic techniques that pertain to riding a horse that will Poisons and potions can often times make the
provide bonuses for controlling the horse. When a difference between being the victor or loser of a situ-
roll needs to be performed a player may apply any ation. These liquids can limit or enhance a charac-
bonus from acquired techniques deemed necessary. ter’s attributes. A potion is a medicinal or supposed-
Combat While on Horseback ly magical liquid that can be ingested. A poison is a
substance that causes illness, injury, or death if in-
For any character riding a horse that is in a com- gested.
bat situation the attributes and rules that govern un-
armed combat are to be applied to the situation. These liquids can be found in various locations
However, the movement rules will be from Equine such as taverns or spice merchant type shops, among
Navigation. In combat, horses are given a Rng. at- treasures, given as a reward for completing a task,
tribute of 2 which can be added to the Rng. attribute etc. These liquids directly affect attributes to change
of the weapon or weapons being wielded by the rider. the outcome of the die rolls that govern specific situ-
ations. To see available potions or and poisons see
If a horse is equipped with armor apply the Ar- the Poisons and Potions Chart on page 129 in the
mor Rating to the horse’s Health Points attribute. Chapter Six: Weapons and Armor.
Also, Ki Energy can be used by riders and is gov-
erned by the rules of combat, either armed or un- How to Use a Poison or Potion
armed, in the given situation. There are two ways to be effected by a potion or
poison in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG. The first is