P. 83

Other Dangers                                             problem when it accumulates in a room's corner
                                                                   or on the floor.  Characters receive +1 to Stealth
         Fire and Burns- At any point in time a character may      Points when smoke has accumulated.
         come in contact with an open flame via torch or
         flaming arrow, Mystic Art, etc.  If a character is set      Heavy- is a thick black smoke from large
         ablaze an additional 1D8 damage is added to the ini-       amounts of burning material, large fires,
         tial damage from the attack, and this number then          burning buildings, etc.  This smoke is hard to
         becomes the damage taken if the player fails to extin-     see through in most cases where wind is not  a
         guish the flame.  Next, to determine how long the          factor.  +3 to Stealth Points.  Suffocation is possi-  C
         flame will burn before permanent damage is done, a        ble when smoke is in an enclosed room or area.      h a
         second roll using a 1D12 die is cast.  This number     ADVANCING  A Character                                 p t
         gives the player the number of melee they can use to                                                          e
         extinguish the flame.                                     A player’s goal is to advance their character and   r

            To extinguish a flame, the player needs to roll an   create the strongest character in all aspects of the
         Odds & Evens roll verse the GM using 1D4.  Should      game.  As a character gains more techniques, points,
         the player cast the die higher than the GM the flame   acclaim, etc. in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG several paths
         is extinguished.  If the player fails, the additional   of the character’s life may become available leading
         damage is again taken and the player may again try     to unimaginable, possibilities. This experience begins
         to extinguish the flame.  This process will continue   when the player selects one of the many groups and
         until the flame either extinguishes itself by burning   trains within that group’s curriculum.
         through duration, or the player is able to put the ex-  Benefits of Training in A Curriculum
         tinguish the flame.  The GM and player also need to
         realize that because extinguishing the flame is top       First, a character gains protection and may learn a
         priority, the player that is burning losses all chances   martial art form to better protect themselves.  Eventu-
         at Control Roll and is immediately on defense until    ally, a character may ascend to the highest ranking
         the flame is extinguished.                             student and even become the head of the dojo and
                                                                carry on the tradition of the masters.  A player can
            After the flame is extinguished the Physical        also create their own martial art style using the art
         Beauty attribute is effected.  For every 2 failed at-  form the character has master and modifying that
         tempts to extinguish a flame, 1 Physical Beauty at-    mastered art to better suit the player’s philosophy by
         tribute point is lost.                                 using the character’s fame or notoriety.  With enough

         Lava- includes a fire effect that does 1D20x2 dam-     of a following, a character may also create their own
         age, unless the character is totally immersed in lave   community and grow it to become a thriving city in
         where they instantly lose all of their Health Points.    the world of Ninja vs. Samurai RPG.
         Lava also continues to do 1D6 damage after it is ex-      Although a player is able to maneuver his charac-
         tinguished lasting 1D6 more rounds.                    ter through the world of Ninja Vs Samurai RPG earn-

         Smoke- has the ability to both obscure vision and suf-  ing experience and purchasing new techniques to use,
         focate a character depending on the density of the     it is more beneficial to use the family, dojo or clan
         smoke.  Below is a chart to help players determine     curricula in order to gain the skills needed.  A player
         the hindrance and effects smoke may have:              may mistakenly think they are going to earn points
                                                                and purchase a skill, but forget to purchase the re-
             Light- can be any smoke ranging from in cense      quirements first, thus setting a player back in their
            smoke to a light smoke from a small  fire or        character’s development.  With a set guideline this
            flame.  This smoke is usually a white color and     mistake cannot occur.
            does not change the visibility of a  character.
                                                                   Furthermore, though a player may gain Tech-
            Medium- can be a light or dark grey smoke and       niques to use, the player’s attribute growth does not
            have enough density to give a slight visibility
                                                                occur.  Without testing a character, there is no way of
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