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an identifying mark on the style for all those who        Once the art is refined it must be written down on
         study the style.                                       paper and presented to the GM to verify as accepta-
                                                                ble.  Acceptable Mystic Arts fit the character’s mar-
            The next step in creating the Renzokuken, is add-
         ing the intermediate techniques.  These techniques     tial arts style, philosophy of the school and its histo-
         may borrow one technique from the next three belt      ry.  Once verified, the art is ready to be taught to oth-
         levels (Green-Purple) to form the intermediate level   ers.  Before the art is able to be taught to any other
         of a Renzokuken.  This chain of movements should       student, the creator must demonstrate it to that stu-
         somehow tie in to the previous three techniques to     dent or student body.  Only characters who have        C
         create a six hit combination.  Characters may obtain   achieved Black Belt ranking or higher may train        h a
         this section of the Renzokuken upon obtaining the      Mystic Arts.                                           p
         Purple Belt level.                                     Creating A Community                                   t e
            The final three movements of the Renzokuken are        After a master gains five students and builds a
         borrowed from the next three belt levels (Brown-1st    school, a farm will be formed near the school.  This
         Degree Black Belt).  These final three techniques      is the beginning of a community.  This community
         should tie in to the first six techniques and end with   can grow from a Village, where a typical village will
         the most powerful technique of the combination.        have a population ranging between 50-300, to a
            Once the Renzokuken is developed for a new          booming Metropolis which typically ranges from
         martial arts style, anyone who studies the style and   4,000-8,000 member population.  Using the resource
         achieves the ranks of Orange, Purple and 1st Degree    information, charts and scales of the prefecture where
         Black Belt, will earn the Beginner, Intermediate and   the martial arts school is located, a player can see
         Advanced levels respectively.                          how his character’s community can grow and gain
                                                                access to other resources and businesses.  Gaining
         Creating A Mystic Art                                  rare items, winning tournaments and  providing safe-
            To complete the creation of a martial art, the cre-  ty are all attractive ways to gain more students.
         ator must create Mystic Arts.  A new Mystic Art can       After gaining 100% acclaim to the area’s Popula-
         only be created by a 3rd degree black belt or higher   tion, the master or students may begin recruitment
         of any art form to the world of Ninja vs. Samurai      efforts for new students in any manner described by
         RPG.                                                   the master.  More students will train with the instruc-
         First, a player must think of the parameters for what   tor which will gain more access to resources in the
         they would want the Mystic Art to do.  This includes   prefecture area and even expand into other nearby
         the art’s: description, damage, attribute modifiers,    prefectures.  Growth is limitless.
         status effects, name, etc.  After deciding what the    Understanding the Points systems
         Mystic Art will do, the player must match the amount
         of Experience Points to Purchase all of the techniques      Points are the icing on the cake that entice players
         in the Belt Level as well as 30 Ki Energy Points for   to create characters and spend countless hours rolling
         their Black Belt level Mystic Art and/or 200 Experi-   dice, solving riddles, and conquering challenges
         ence Points and 30 Ki Energy Points for their Black    brought on by the GM.  It is very basic for players to
         Belt level art form.                                   understand that once they defeat a challenge they are
                                                                to receive rewards.  However, Ninja vs. Samurai
            Afterwards the player needs to test the new Mys-
         tic Art in order to refine the art.  A player must  suc-  RPG involves several point systems that affect differ-
         cessfully use the Mystic Art three times before it is   ent aspects of the game.  There are four point systems
         ready to be used within the game.  It must be tested   to understand.  These are: Experience, Ki Energy,
         successfully five times before it can be taught to an-  Points of Renown and Obedience Points.
         other student.

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