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identifying or monitoring growth in this manner. a given martial art style. There are ten levels of black
There for becoming affiliated is the only way to fully belt in Ninja vs. Samurai RPG. A character who
develop a character. achieves a 9th level black belt or higher is consid-
The Belt Ranking System ered, and referred to as, a Master.
In Ninja vs. Samurai RPG, the belts and their col- 1st degree black belt= Shodan
ors are associated to the level of character’s expertise 2nd degree black belt= Nidan
in a given marital art form. 3rd degree black belt= Sandan
C 4th degree black belt= Yondan
h White belt: A white belt symbolizes the birth of a 5th degree black belt= Godan
p new life, or a new seed planted in the snow. It signi- 6th degree black belt= Rokudan
t fies the ability of the student for undertaking a new
e 7th degree black belt= Nanadan
r challenge in life in terms of acquiring martial 8th degree black belt= Hachidan
knowledge. 9th degree black belt= Kyuudan
Yellow belt: yellow belt depicts the first rays of sun- 10th degree black belt= Judan
light. It symbolizes the student’s mind, which is now Becoming Affiliated
more open to following instructions.
To become affiliated a player must first identify
Orange belt: Orange belts represents the expansion of what martial art type the player would want their
sunrays of the earth. It shows how the student’s character to learn. However, in this time and age,
knowledge is expanding.
joining a school is not as easy as walking up to the
Green belt: green belt symbolizes the penetrating school, signing on the dotted line, and paying the
roots and stems of the plant reaching towards the sun. monthly fee. Instead, the player must fulfill the affil-
It also indicates development of techniques. iation quests. Each school has a number of quests a
character must complete to show their loyalty to the
Blue belt: Blue belt signifies the tallness and expan-
sion of the plant towards the blue sky. In a student, it school and Head Elder of the family, dojo or clan.
showcases his depth in skillful knowledge and under- After completing the dojos quests and obtaining the
standing. necessary amount of Affiliation Points required, the
character may begin their training at that dojo. Un-
Purple belt: the purple belt signifies that the student derstand that families, dojos and clans have rivals,
in moving towards the acquisition of a black belt and even enemies. Keep in mind that trying to be-
through a strong dedication. come loyal to one school may hinder your chances of
Brown belt: a brown belt represent the maturity level getting into others. Choose wisely before making a
in the student. It is symbolized as a plant, which has selection.
grown to a full bloom and ready to be harvested. Training in a Curriculum
Red belt: The red belt signifies depth of knowledge After completing the Affiliation Quests the char-
and abilities that have been conserved in the student’s acter may train and learn the marital way of their se-
mind. lected school. The goal of any training session is to
Black belt: Black belt indicates the dark shadows be- successfully earn Experience Points toward the next
hind the light of the sun. It indicates an indispensable belt level. The character must complete tasks by
treasure of knowledge and enlightenment within the simply rolling the 1D6 die higher than the opponent
student’s mind. (GM). The players may earn anywhere from 1-5 Ex-
perience Points during a training session.
Once a character is awarded with the black belt it
does not necessarily mean that an art has been mas- To train, the GM will roll 1D6 vs the player(s)
tered. It signifies that a character is prepared to take who will cast a 1D6 as well, and announce their cast
on the challenges of an advanced training regimen in to the GM. This process will continue up to five