P. 81
Factors of the Environment duction is removed. However, if the player fails
again, another Stamina Point is taken.
Several factors can influence an environments
effect on the way games are played and characters If at any time the player no longer has Stamina
can behave on the islands of Japan. The following Points to deduct that player experiences Frostbite and
are rules as they pertain to these various effects of the must roll 1D20 and subtract that number from the
region. character's Health Points. The character no longer
has movement attempts and must be carried by an-
Heat other character to safety and/or a doctor where their C
Although the country of Japan maintains an aver- condition can be rectified through medical attention h a
age high temperature around 89 degrees in the sum- where they can regain their Health Points following p t
mer, the possibility of having unseasonably high tem- the rules of regaining Health Points. e
peratures is the choice of the GM when creating an Water r
environment. If the GM decides to use an unseasona-
bly high climate (+90 degrees) the players must Water can have a different effect on a character's
check their character for environmental damage. A ability to move, especially if the character is in the
player must roll a 1D6 Odds & Evens roll verse the water. Various speeds of water will have some sort
GM to determine whether or not the temperature is of effect on a character's ability to move. However,
affecting the character. If the player fails, the Player if the characters learn to move or disguise themselves
need to subtract one point from the character's Stami- in water, the effects can be minimized. The various
na Points for the duration of the playing hour. Upon levels of a body of water's depth can have different
the next hour another Odds & Evens roll is taken. effects on a character. Many things need to be real-
Upon success, that deduction is removed. However, ized about deep water as the GM brings it into a sce-
if the player fails again, another Stamina Point is tak- nario. Water depth can not only have a negative ef-
en. fect on movement, but also visibility. However, it
can also give a bonus to the character's Stealth. The
If at any time the player no longer has Stamina GM should roll 1D4 and subtract that number from
Points to deduct that player experiences heat exhaus- the Movement Points of the characters that are in the
tion and must roll 1D20 and subtract that number water. Also, the characters should receive a 1D4 re-
from the character's Health Points. The character no duction to Awareness Points, but also receive the
longer has movement attempts and must be carried same number bonus to that character's Stealth Points.
by another character to safety and/or a doctor where
their condition can be rectified through medical at- In calm water the character's movement or
tention where they can regain their Health Points fol- ability to hide is not effected and the rules Governing
lowing the rules of regaining Health Points. movement are not affected at all.
In fast-moving water, it is more difficult to
move. To determine how hard, the water is swim in,
Certain parts of Japan can have very unforgivable The GM should roll 1D4+2 and subtract that number
winters. The GM should keep this in mind when from the character's Movement Points. If the charac-
they design areas during the winter months of Japan. ter tries to swim under this type of water, they have -
Again, every hour during game play in areas of ex- 1 to resurfacing.
treme cold (-32 degrees) the GM should have the Cold water can be a treacherous challenge in it-
player roll 1D6 Odds & Evens to determine whether
or not the temperature is affecting a character. If the self during any game. To determine how difficult
player fails, the Player need to subtract one point this hazard is to maneuver in, The GM should apply
the effect(s) of cold to the water.
from the character's Stamina Points for the duration
of the playing hour. Upon the next hour another While creating environments with water a GM
Odds & Evens roll is taken. Upon success, that de- can combine as many types of water, however, keep