P. 77

condition.  The character has -3 on action rolls.  An   Scarring
         action roll against the character receives +2 if the at-
         tacker is within 5 feet of the character.                 Although a character may regain Health Points, a
                                                                penalty is involved.  For every 50 Health Points lost
         Restrained                                             and then regained from encounters, one Physical

         A restrained character is a character who is bound by   Beauty Point is permanently lost due to scarring.
         their hands, feet, or both.  They cannot benefit from   Environmental Dangers
         any bonus to the Movement attribute.  Action Rolls
         against the character have +2. The afflicted has -3 to   Starvation and Thirst                                C h
         Movement Points Attribute Tests.                          A character can go without water for four days      a
                                                                plus a number of hours equal to that character’s       p
         Stunned                                                                                                       t
                                                                Stamina Points.  A player may go without food for      e
         A stunned character automatically fails strength and   seven days before feeling the effects of being mal-    r
         movement Attribute Tests.  Action Rolls against the    nourished.  If this time elapses and a character does
         afflicted receive a +2 bonus.                          not eat or drink they may exhibit physical ailments.

         Bleeding                                               A player who has failed to eat or drink, within the
                                                                time allotted, must roll a 1D6 versus a GM 1D4.
            Bleeding is a status effect that usually results    Failing this roll means that the character is exhibiting
         from a weapon or Critical Hit.  An Odds & Evens die    stages of starvation, thirst or both.  The character re-
         roll will determine whether or not a character is      ceives several deductions.
         bleeding.  If the character is bleeding, add 1D4 dam-
         age to determine how severe the wound is.  Once de-       First, -1 to Action vs Reaction Rolls when the
         termined, this extra damage occurs with every suc-     thirst/hunger begins.  That deduction will double with
         cessful strike and once per melee when there is no     each half day, that passes.
         successful strike.                                        After two days of that condition, a second roll
            After an encounter, the bleeding damage contin-     will add another deduction where the character will
         ues, once per melee, until the bleeding can be slowed   lose 1 STA per half day should they not find food or
         or stopped through medical attention and treatment.     drink.   If the player fails to find food or drink and
                                                                expels all of their Stamina Points, the character loses
         Illnesses                                              20 HEA per additional day until the character slips
            Characters can contract illnesses and/or diseases   into a coma.  Further malnourishment will continue
         in various ways during a campaign or scenario of       to deplete the HEA until the character dies.
         Ninja vs. Samurai RPG.  These diseases can cause a     Suffocation
         character serious hindrances to their ability and, if
         untreated, can even cause death.                          A character cannot live without air. A player may
                                                                go without food for two days before feeling the ef-
            There are several ways one can catch an illness,    fects of being malnourished.  However, if a charac-
         and each illness has a manner of treatment should the   ter's air supply is being cut off by any means, and
         character be infected.  Although avoiding issues that   they cannot escape the condition, the player must roll
         make the character susceptible to contamination is     a 1D6 versus the GM or PC causing the condition.
         the best practice, there may be instances that are una-  Failing this roll means that the character is exhibiting
         voidable.  These illnesses and treatments are noted on   stages of suffocation.  The player then has the charac-
         the Illness Chart in chapter five on page 131-132 of   ter's remaining Stamina Points as their number of
         the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG Player’s Manual.             turns to escape and get air.  If the player is not able
                                                                to, they must again lose a Stamina Point, then attempt
                                                                to find air again.  If the player fails to find air and
                                                                expels all of their Stamina Point as chances, the char-
                                                                acter dies.

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