P. 82
in mind that there should be reasons as to why the guish flames in lanterns.
water changes. For example, a GM can design an Hail- Hail does not reduce Awareness tests using vis-
area map for a scenario with cold, deep fast moving ibility, but does give a -2 to Awareness tests while it
water (a river). This would require the GM to imple- is falling. If the hail is strong enough hail can add 1
ment all of the rules from all of the adjectives being point of damage per storm to anything it hits. On the
used at once to provide accurate elemental jurisdic- ground, hail effects movement in the same manner as
C Drowning Storm Multiplier
a A possible hazard that comes from water, espe-
p Storms can add hindrances to precipitation. The
t cially deep and/or fast-moving water, is drowning. strength and duration of the storm can multiply the
e Drowning can occur to any character that remains
r affects or damage capability of any storm type. GMs
underwater for too long. If a character does not re- should combine the effects of both the precipitation
turn to the water’s surface in time they may drown. type and the storm type together to get the full effects
As a player reaches the end of their Movement of the storm. If the storms effect the same attribute,
Points while swimming, they must inform the GM combine the two.
that they are going to surface and roll 1D6 (applying
any swimming or movement modifiers to the roll) Tornadic- A tornadic storm is an especially severe
verse the GM's 1D4 roll. If the player fails, this is the storm that is usually separated or isolated from other
beginning of the drowning process. The player then thunderstorms.
has the character's remaining Awareness Points as Effect: All flames are extinguished. Projectile
their number of rolls to return to the surface to get air weapons are useless. -4 to all Awareness Tests.
before drowning. If the player is not able to reach the Roll 1D20 damage per round to all objects or
surface of the water after expelling all of their characters in the path of the storm.
Awareness Point chances, the character drowns to
death. Duration: 1D20x2 melee rounds.
Heavy- A heavy storm is a storm with high winds.
Weather Hazards
This type of storm is capable of pushing rains and
Japan's weather types span across all types of winds severely.
weather patterns, and each type of weather has the Effect: Odds & Evens Rolls for ½ of all lanterns
ability to take an effect on all characters on some to be extinguished. All unprotected flames are
way. As GM designing an environment, should in- extinguished. Projectile weapons are useless. -3
clude some type of weather. Below is a list of how to Awareness Tests.
weather could affect game play.
Duration: 1D20x6 melee rounds
Medium- A typical thunderstorm with medium wind
Rain- reduces visibility depending on the strength of speeds and heavy precipitation.
the rain fall. It also has an ability to reduce the range
of projectile weapons. Rain can also affect the use of Effect: -1 to Awareness effectiveness of lanterns
unprotected flames, and depending on the amount of or unprotected flames.
precipitation, can extinguish a flame. Duration: 1D20x8 melee rounds
Snow- has the same potential effects as rain. On the Light- A gentle storm that does not have any added
ground snow also adds a -1 Movement effect to all effect on gameplay.
Effect: N/A
Sleet- has the same effect as rain while falling, and
has the same -1 Movement effect to all characters Duration: 1D20x12
when on the ground. However, sleet can also extin-