Page 2 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
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Dear Parents,
Firstly, a huge thank you to each and every Kitebrook parent for your support, during both the weeks
preceding and throughout Trinity term. The children's dedication in these uncertain times has surpassed all
expectations, and their efforts should be congratulated. The excellence of our distance learning provision
has been possible due to the collaboration of staff, children and parents; working together, in its truest
form, as a Kitebrook family.
As we move towards following the guidelines set out by the government and their phased reopening of
schools, the Leadership Team have met and spent a considerable amount of time looking at and assessing
the risks involved. If our school does reopen to children before the end of the Trinity term, it will be in the
knowledge that we will maintain the very highest standards, which includes the health and safety of each
and every person whenever they are on site.
The following information contains our Policy for reopening Kitebrook, our Risk Assessment and the
challenges we will inevitably face, and also a Q&A document, which includes answers to questions we
anticipate parents will need in order to make an informed decision for their children.
The choice for your children to return to school is a family one, and whatever decision you make, Kitebrook
will support you. The reopening of the school needs to be feasible for all. Our distance learning programme
has been so successful; in order to assess all options, we must question whether opening for some
children, and not all, may be to their detriment. This is why feedback from the Pre-School, Reception, Year
1 and Year 6 parent survey will be another crucial element in deciding what is best for all.
As important as it is that we make this decision in conjunction with our parents, the outcome must ensure
the quality of our education will not decline, for either those children attending school, or those who
remain at home. If, while we progress through this decision-making process, it becomes clear that this is
likely to happen, we must conclude not to reopen the school.
We have had so many challenges over the last couple of months, but we endeavour to keep rising and
overcoming them as they present themselves. Whatever decision we ultimately make, all Kitebrook staff
will be there with you, to ensure the best possible for our children, and you.
Warm wishes,
Susan McLean