Page 4 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
P. 4


                                                             pick up process. Children will be collected from cars and
                                                             returned to cars using the drop off and end of day
                                                             procedures as shared with parents. School visits will be
                                                             kept to a strict minimum and any meetings will take place
                                                             online, via prior arrangement.

                                                             Staff will work from home wherever possible, and those
                                                             who are required to come into school will work in
                                                             isolation as much as possible. Staff will have been advised
                                                             and will have read through the risk assessment so they are
                                                             familiar with protocol.

                                                             Children will remain in their class groups throughout the
                                                             day, and appropriate signage will be put in place on the
                                                             school grounds to encourage distancing for all.

            REFRESH YOUR RISK ASSESSMENT AND OTHER           Kitebrook will implement a risk assessment prior to  the
            HEALTH AND SAFETY ADVICE FOR CHILDREN,           reopening of school that will be regularly reviewed in line
            YOUNG PEOPLE AND STAFF IN LIGHT OF RECENT        with changes to government advice.
            MEASURES (SUCH AS THE THINGS LISTED BELOW).      All necessary health and safety checks will take place. as
            ALSO ENSURE THAT ALL HEALTH AND SAFETY           per normal, before 1st June 2020.
            BEFORE OPENING                                    If a case of COVID19 is detected, as a result of a
                                                              child/member of staff falling ill, the entire class , and all
                                                              adults with whom they have been in contact will go into
                                                              isolation for 14 days in accordance with government
                                                              guidelines. ​This may force the school to close depending
                                                              on the number of individuals involved.

            USE THE TIMETABLE AND SELECTION OF               Children in Year 1 and the Cottage will remain in their
            CLASSROOM OR OTHER LEARNING ENVIRONMENT          classrooms throughout the day for all of their indoor
            TO REDUCE MOVEMENT AROUND THE SCHOOL OR          lessons. Children in Year 6 may be taught in subject
            BUILDING                                         specific classrooms, but the movement will be kept to a

                                                             Children will be able to learn outside wherever possible
                                                             and all break times and lunches will take places outside,
                                                             weather permitting, in areas separate to each class or
                                                             group. Alternative arrangements will be made during
                                                             times of inclement weather.

            STAGGER ASSEMBLY GROUPS                          Prayers will take place either in classrooms or outside in
            STAGGER BREAK TIMES (INCLUDING LUNCH), SO        an appropriate outdoor space to enable correct
            THAT ALL CHILDREN ARE NOT MOVING AROUND          distancing, weather permitting.

            15.5.2020  RB,  WC Reviewed by Leadership Team
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