Page 3 - Reopening Kitebrook - Information to Parents
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Re-opening of Kitebrook Policy
Post Covid-19
Government Guidance and Kitebrook Implementation
Aims of the Kitebrook school with regard to the re-opening of Kitebrook:
Kitebrook will follow the government guidelines during the process for reopening school, while prioritising health
and safety. At this time, we value the flexibility and patience of our parents, while we endeavour to maintain a safe
environment for all.
Government Advice Kitebrook Implementation
THE FIRST YEAR GROUPS TO RETURN WILL BE YEAR Kitebrook will follow Government guidelines on which
6, YEAR 1, RECEPTION AND PRE-SCHOOL year groups are to return to school, Nursery, Reception,
Year 1 and Year 6 initially.
It is hoped that more children will gradually be able to
return to school and Kitebrook will follow National
government recommendations accordingly.
There will be no flexi boarding at this time.
USE OF PPE NOT ADVISED FOR USE IN SCHOOLS In line with current government guidelines, staff will not
be required to wear PPE whilst at school, with the
exception of the Medical Room, where it will be made
available to staff, and its use compulsory. It will also be
available for individual circumstances within the Cottage.
SHIELDING VULNERABLE ADULTS Vulnerable adults who have already been identified will
not be required to come onto school premises.
Kitebrook will communicate to parents that any
vulnerable adults should avoid bringing their children to
school wherever possible.
CLASS SIZES MUST BE A MAXIMUM OF 15 All the year groups due to return have class sizes under
KEEP 2 METRES APART WHEREVER POSSIBLE Parents will remain in their cars during the drop off and
15.5.2020 RB, WC Reviewed by Leadership Team