Page 6 - Hooked on listening 일부
P. 6

              TOEFL LISTENING

               1    Why does the professor want to see the       4    What is the student’s opinion of the
                    student?                                          university policy?

                    (A) To ask her why she has been absent            (A) It is overly strict and unreasonable and
                    (B) To explain a university policy to her            should be changed.
                    (C) To inform her of her removal from the         (B) It should not apply to her because of her
                       class                                             special circumstances.
                    (D) To explain how she can appeal the             (C) It discourages students from taking
                       university’s decision                             courses that are difficult to get into.
                                                                      (D) It is a reasonable policy, but it takes
                                                                         effect too quickly.

               2    Why does the professor mention the

                    university regulations?
                    (A) To explain the decision was not based on
                       his personal opinion
                    (B) To compare his opinion with the
                                                                      Listen again to part of the conversation.
                       university regulations
                                                                      Then answer the question.
                    (C) To give an example of the case that the
                       university regulations would not apply to  5   Why does the professor say this: f
                    (D) To emphasize how strict the university
                                                                      (A) To make sure if she really wants to take
                       regulations are
                                                                         the course
                                                                      (B) To criticize her because she did not
                                                                         make an effort to attend the class
                                                                      (C) To give her comfort for dropping from the
                                                                      (D) To offer a mild objection to the woman’s
               3    What does the professor suggest that the             statement

                    woman do?
                    (A) Reapply for the course in the summer
                    (B) Appeal to the university administration
                    (C) Bring him a note from a doctor explaining
                       her absence
                    (D) Put herself on the waitlist for the course

                                                                                              Diagnostic Test  9
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