Page 8 - Hooked on listening 일부
P. 8

              TOEFL LISTENING

               6    What is the talk mainly about?               9    What point does the professor make when
                                                                      she mentions that smaller animals survived
                    (A) The possible causes of the megafaunal
                                                                      the end of the Ice Age?
                    (B) The species that died out upon the arrival    (A) Smaller animals are not very affected by
                       of early humans                                   climate change.
                    (C) How climate change can cause                  (B) Larger species are better adapted to
                       megafaunal extinction                             survive cold climates.
                    (D) Why megafaunal species failed to adapt        (C) Food was more abundant after the Ice
                       at the end of the Ice Age                         Age.
                                                                      (D) Smaller animals stored food for the
               7    In the talk, they discuss the possibility that       climate change.
                    early humans caused the megafaunal
                    extinction. Indicate which of the following is
                                                                 10 What will the professor most likely talk
                    mentioned as evidence for the possibility.
                                                                      about next?
                     Click in the correct box for each sentence.
                                                                      (A) The rise of smaller animal species in
                                                   Yes No                North America
                     (A) Mammoths died out shortly                    (B) Megafaunal extinctions on other
                        after the arrival of early                       continents
                        humans.                                       (C) Additional theories on megafaunal
                     (B) Mammoth bones have been                         extinction
                        found near early human
                                                                      (D) Attempts to gain more evidence from the
                                                                         fossil record
                     (C) Evidence of early human
                        habitation was found in the
                        areas of large predators.
                     (D) Cave paintings depict early                  Listen again to part of the talk.
                        humans hunting mammoths.
                                                                      Then answer the question.
                     (E) Early hunting weapons have
                        been found in mammoth bones.             11 Why does the professor say this: f
                                                                      (A) To express that the student’s opinion is
               8    According to the professor, how could early          surprising
                    humans have caused the extinction of large        (B) To indicate that the timing of the
                    predator species?                                    extinctions was extremely fortunate
                                                                      (C) To point out that the man’s objection is
                    (A) By reducing their available hunting ranges
                                                                         not a basis for rejecting the theory
                    (B) By hunting them to protect livestock
                                                                      (D) To correct a common misconception
                    (C) By hunting prey species into extinction
                                                                         about megafaunal extinction
                    (D) By settling in their mating territories

                                                                                              Diagnostic Test  11
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