P. 17
Insider R01-A1 2007.10.24 9:15 AM ˘ ` 27 ¿ ¿¡‰” 300DPI 100LPI
Sentence Simplification Questions A
When reading a passage, you must be able to understand the ideas and relationships contained within a Chapter 1
sentence, even when that sentence is long and complex. The iBT TOEFL tests this skill with Sentence
Simplification questions. These questions ask you to select a sentence that accurately presents the main
ideas in a highlighted sentence from the passage. This highlighted sentence will be fairly long and/or
complex. Sentence Simplification questions appear in roughly two-thirds of the iBT TOEFL reading
passages, and each is one point. You will never be given more than one per reading passage.
>> Identifying the Question
Every sentence simplification question uses the same phrasing. Look at the example below:
Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in
important ways or leave out essential information.
>> Solving the Question
• The key to solving a Sentence Simplification question is to understand the essential information
mentioned in the question. You must first recognize the central ideas in the highlighted sentence. This
can be difficult because of the sentence’s length or structure, so focus on the central ideas presented in
the sentence and identify them in the answer choices.
• It is critical that you understand the key relationships between ideas in the highlighted sentence.
Incorrect answer choices may present the central ideas, but they will change the relationship between
these ideas. Make sure you understand these relationships so you can identify them in the correct
answer choice.
• Finally, make sure that you are able to recognize summarized ideas within the correct answer choice.
Some longer and more complex sentences will use many examples of a single idea, elaborate wording,
or multiple phrases to express simple ideas. Focus on the main idea of the sentence and you should be
able to recognize a proper summary in the correct answer choice.
Basic Comprehension Questions 27