P. 20
Insider R01-A1 2007.10.24 9:15 AM ˘ ` 30 ¿ ¿¡‰” 300DPI 100LPI
1. The word fringe in the passage is closest in meaning to ( Vocabulary Question
(A) center
(B) records
(C) agenda
(D) outside
2. According to paragraph 2, patients received maximum relaxation by ( Fact Question
(A) avoiding visitors altogether
(B) seeing people but not dogs
(C) petting the dogs they saw
(D) watching dogs from bed
Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [.].
3. The word secreted in the passage is closest in meaning to ( Vocabulary Question
(A) growth
(B) hidden
(C) examples
(D) released
4. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in ( Sentence Simplification
the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the Question
meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
(A) The results caused researchers to recommend animal therapy and
traditional therapy for recovering patients.
(B) The researchers encouraged doctors to use animal therapy in place of
more traditional care for patients with heart failure.
(C) Although researchers did not recommend animal therapy for most
patients, they believed doctors should investigate it.
(D) Through their research on animal therapy with recovering patients,
the researchers believed that it could be helpful.
30 Insider Reading